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What is the Information Designer?

The Information Designer is a tool for setting up data sources and creating and opening information links. An information link is a database query specifying the columns to be loaded and any filters needed to narrow down the data table prior to creating visualizations in TIBCO Spotfire. In Information Designer, information links are created from building blocks such as columns and filters using joins, calculations and aggregations.

The Elements tree in Information Designer is a representation of the folder structure in the library. The permissions for each folder specify which databases and elements should be available for different users or groups when creating information links. Folder permissions can be specified in the Information Designer, but the main permission handling is done with the Library Administration tool.

Once information links have been created in Information Designer, they can be opened by any user who has the appropriate licenses, allowing users who may not have knowledge of SQL or the underlying database structures to be able to execute advanced database queries.

Information links are opened by selecting File > Open From > Library....

Note that neither the Information Designer, nor the resulting information links are available when you are working offline.

See also:

General Workflow

General Guidelines for Setting up an Information Model

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