Details on Edit Properties – General

This dialog is used to edit the properties for an item in the library. It can be reached by right-clicking on the item of interest in any view representing the library structure and selecting Edit Properties... from the pop-up menu. In the Library Administration tool, it is reached when clicking on the Edit... link for the Selected Item.


To edit the properties of an item you must have Browse + Access + Modify permissions to the folder it is placed in.




The name of the library item. The following characters are not accepted in titles:
\ / : * ? " < > | $ & + = @ # % ; , { [ ] } ^ ' ~ ´


A description of the library item.


Allows you to add keywords which can be used for finding the item in the library. Keywords are separated by a semicolon.

See also:

Opening Files from the Library

Saving an Analysis File in the Library

Editing Properties in the Library Administration tool

Details on Edit Properties - Document

Details on Edit Properties – Geocoding

Details on Edit Properties – Properties