Designing Spotfire® Analytics for Small-Screen Display

Optimizing an analysis using URL parameters

In some cases, you might need to provide a Spotfire Web Player analysis to users of a small-screen mobile device. You can easily customize the analysis for the small screen, and then share the URL with small-screen users.

About this task

Perform this task from the analysis in the Spotfire Web Player browser window.
Note: This technique works only if users access the analysis from a fixed URL (for example, if the users add the URL to an iPhone home screen). If the users access the analysis by navigating in the library, these settings have no effect.

If you have users who use the Spotfire Mobile App, you should avoid this optimization technique. If a user opens an analysis in the the Spotfire Mobile App, the parameterized URLs will not work.


  1. From the Spotfire Web Player, click the menu, and then click Share.
  2. Click Copy link or embed code.
  3. In the Copy link or embed code dialog, accept the Presets option Small.
    This option specifies no Advanced options.
  4. Click Advanced options, and then scroll down to display the options.
    Optional menu options and UI elements are listed for selection.
  5. Review and select the options to display.
    By default, with the Small preset, no options are selected, which indicates that the menu options and UI elements are hidden in the shared analysis. Review the Help for the Copy link or embed code dialog for detailed information.
  6. Review the Web Player analysis URL and copy the URL.
    Note: The options you selected are specified with number-logical value pairs at the end of the URL, with each number corresponding to the option and the logical value, 0, or 1, specifying whether to display the option. See the Spotfire community about Parameterization for more information.
  7. Test the resulting analysis by opening a browser window and pasting into the address bar the URL you copied in Step 6.
    The analysis should appear with none of the excluded display options and UI elements.
    Note: The new analysis URL does not include data selection, filters, resizing, or other manual changes that you set on any of the analysis' visualizations before you copied and shared the URL.