TIBCO Spotfire® Automation Services User's Guide

Set Credentials for External Connection

To open an analysis that requires authentication for external data sources (that is, any analysis that uses Spotfire data connectors), use this task to specify the credentials.

Note: The way that you set credentials with this task is not the same as using a regular credentials profile.

Usually, credentials profiles are stored in the web service configuration file Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.exec.config. This is a complementary way of storing and setting credentials, that you can use if you cannot store a credentials profile in the web service configuration.

This task should be performed before any "Open Analysis from Library" task. To secure the login credentials, you must encrypt them using an X.509 certificate. Note that you need to add one Set Credentials for External Connection task for each credentials profile. The credentials profiles are used to connect a username and password to an external data source that is used in a specific analysis.
Set Credentials for External Connection dialog
Option Description
X.509 certificate subject Select a valid X.509 certificate. This is used to protect the security of the passwords that are used to connect to the external data sources. The valid certificates that are installed locally on your computer are listed in the drop-down list.
Note: The selected certificate must also be installed on the node that runs the Automation Services jobs.
Credentials profile Select the name of the credentials profile. Make sure that the profile matches a profile that is saved in the analysis file. The profile that is used in an analysis is saved in the Data Connection Properties dialog in Spotfire.
Username Enter the username for the profile to use when connecting to the data source.
Note: Username is mandatory.
Password Enter the password for the profile.
Note: Password is mandatory.