Showing subtotals in cross table columns

If the vertical axis in a cross table is structured hierarchically, it is possible to show subtotals within the cross table columns. A subtotal is by default calculated using the expression that is used for calculating the cell values.

In the hierarchy below, subtotals for the month columns are displayed on the 'Country' level. The aggregation 'Sum' is used to aggregate the 'Sales' values, and accordingly, the subtotals are also calculated using the 'Sum' aggregation.

Subtotals in a cross table

If the hierarchy on the vertical axis has more than two levels, you can specify on which levels subtotals should be displayed.

Subtotals are not based on the aggregated values shown in the cross table cells; they are by default based on the underlying data table rows. For example, if 'Average' is used as aggregation method, the subtotal average of a column takes into account all the data rows on which the cell values are based, and not only the averages shown in the cross table cells. See Displaying totals.

Note: There is, however, an option to base a total on the already aggregated cell values in the cross table. If you use this option, the total will be calculated as the sum of the cell values, no matter expression used for the calculations of the cell values.


  1. Right-click the cross table, and select Properties in the opened menu.
    The Properties popover is shown.
  2. Click Totals.
    The Totals section is shown.
  3. Beneath Display totals, select the levels in the hierarchy for which subtotals should be displayed. (In the hierarchy above, there is only one possible level.)
  4. Specify where in the cross table column the subtotals should be displayed, Before values or After values .


The selected subtotals are displayed in the cross table.