TIBCO Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration

Manually creating a simple configuration

You can configure the Spotfire Server by executing a series of commands on the command line.

Note: These instructions are for using the Spotfire database to authenticate users.

Before you begin


  1. Run the bootstrap command to create the connection configuration that Spotfire Server needs for connecting to the database. (For instructions on running commands on the command line, see Executing commands on the command line.)
    Note: If you have already run the bootstrap command, there is no need to run it again unless you want to use different arguments.
    config bootstrap --driver-class="<DRIVER CLASS>" 
    --database-url="<DATABASE URL>" --username="<DATABASE USERNAME>" 
    --password="<DATABASE PASSWORD>" --tool-password=
    Table 1. Argument definitions
    --driver-class The fully qualified class name of the JDBC driver
    --database-url The JDBC connection URL
    --username The name of the database account used by Spotfire Server to connect to the Spotfire database
    --password The password of the database account
    --tool-password Choose a command line password that will be used to protect the server configuration from unauthorized access and/or modification
    config bootstrap --driver-class=
    --username="dbuser" --password="dbpwd" --tool-password="configtoolpwd"
    A bootstrap.xml file is created in the <installation directory>\tomcat\webapps\spotfire\WEB-INF folder. For more information about this file, see The bootstrap.xml file.
  2. Create a default configuration by using the create-default-config command.
    Example :
    config create-default-config
    A configuration.xml file is created.
  3. Import the configuration to the database by using the import-config command.
    config import-config --tool-password="<CONFIG TOOL PASSWORD>" --comment="<DESCRIPTION>"
    Example :
    config import-config --tool-password="configtoolpwd" --comment="First config"
  4. Create a first user by using the create-user command. This account can be used to log in to Spotfire Server.
    config create-user --tool-password="<CONFIG TOOL PASSWORD>" --username=
    config create-user --tool-password="configtoolpwd" --username="SpotfireAdmin" --password="s3cr3t"
  5. Add the first user to the Administrator group by using the promote-admin command.
    config promote-admin --tool-password="<CONFIG TOOL PASSWORD>" --username="<SPOTFIRE ADMIN USERNAME>"
    config promote-admin --tool-password="configtoolpwd" --username="SpotfireAdmin"
    When Spotfire Server is running, the first administrator can create other users and add them to the Administrator group.

What to do next

Start Spotfire Server

Deploy client packages to Spotfire Server