TIBCO Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration

Spotfire Analyst actions logged from the web service

Spotfire Server logs actions that are performed by the user in Spotfire Analyst. Actions are logged according to the category.

For information about each category, see Action Log categories. For a list of the specific properties that are logged for each action, see Action log entries.

For more information about the actions, see the help topics in Spotfire Analyst.

Table 1. Category: analysis_pro
Logged action Description
apply_bookmark Applied a bookmark to the specified analysis.
arrange_visualizations Used the rearrange visualizations feature.
canvas_size Specified the canvas size.
change_column_or_aggregation Changed column or aggregation on an axis.
create_annotation Added an annotation to the active visualization.
create_comment Added a comment.
create_details_visualization Created a details visualization.
create_page Created a new page in the analysis.
create_visualization Created a new visualization.
create_vis_recommendations Created a visualization from recommendations presented when analyzing marked data.
delete_page Deleted a page from the analysis.
duplicate_page Duplicated a page.
duplicate_visualization Duplicated a visualization.
export Exported the analysis content.
hide_page Made a page hidden for consumers.
incl_col_from_recommendations Included column from relationships recommendations.
initiate_analyze_for_marking Initiated calculations to find relationships between marked and unmarked data.
modify_filter Modified a filter.
rename_page Renamed a page.
reset_all_filters Reset all the filters.
reset_all_visible_filters Reset the filters that are currently visible.
reset_filter Reset a filter.
set_custom_expression Applied a custom expression on an axis.
set_page Set a page in the specified library item.
set_preferred_aggregation Used to specify a suitable aggregation method for a numerical column.
show_page Switched a hidden page to a shown page.
switch_visualization Changed a visualization to another visualization type.
visualization_area_layout_mode Specified responsive layout.
y_axis_number_of_scales Specified the scale option used; Single, Dual, PerColor, or PerTrellisPanel.
Table 2. Category: auth_pro
Logged action Description
login The specified user logged in to Spotfire Analyst.
logout The specified user logged out from Spotfire Analyst.
Table 3. Category: data_connection_pro
Logged action Description
create_connection Connected to a data source.
create_source Created a data source.
get_data Retrieved data from a data source.
load_connection Loaded the data connection.
load_source Loaded the source.
synch_connection Synchronized the connection.
update_connection Updated a connection.
update_source Updated the source.
Table 4. Category: datafunction_pro
Logged action Description
execute Ran a data function in Spotfire Analyst.
Table 5. Category: datasource_pro
Logged action Description
execute Ran an analysis using a data source using the specified parameters.
Table 6. Category: file_pro
Logged action Description
load Loaded a file in Spotfire Analyst.
Table 7. Category: find_pro
Logged action Description
search Used the find feature.
Table 8. Category: library_pro
Logged action Description
close Closed an analysis in Spotfire Analyst.
load Loaded an analysis in Spotfire Analyst.