TIBCO Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration

Plan and collect required system information

To set up the Spotfire database, and to install and configure Spotfire Server, you must have information about the existing systems at your site.

About this task

First, you should determine which type of services you need, decide on the target operating systems, and which database to use for your Spotfire environment. After that, you must collect the required information from existing systems.

Before you begin

  • A database server must be up and running before you can install Spotfire Server, preferably on a separate server. The Spotfire Server installer will not install a database server. The Spotfire environment supports a number of different database systems.


  1. Collect the following information about the database server that you will use for the Spotfire database:
    Note: You may need to contact your database administrator.
    Required information Description
    Database server type MSSQL,Oracle or PostgreSQL

    Database server hostname
    Administrator user name
    Administrator password
    Connection identifier For Oracle only

    For PostgreSQL, you should also take note of the path to the bin directory of the PostgreSQL command line tools (on the computer from which you will run the scripts).

  2. Decide on the following information for the Spotfire database:
    Required information Description
    Spotfire database name For MSSQL and PostgreSQL. The default is spotfire_server.

    Spotfire database user name If the databases uses Integrated Windows authentication, note this user.

    If you use Integrated authentication, Spotfire Server must run as the Windows Domain user used to create the Spotfire database.

    Spotfire database password
  3. Decide on the following for Spotfire Server:
    Required information Description
    Spotfire Server front-end port Used for communication with Spotfire clients.

    The default is 80. If another application on the same server uses port 80, select a different port number.

    Back-end registration port Used for key exchange to set up trusted communication between the Spotfire Server and nodes.

    The default is 9080. If another application on the same server uses this port, select a different port number.

    Back-end communication port (TLS) Used for encrypted traffic between nodes.

    The default is 9443. If another application on the same server uses this port, select a different port number.

    Spotfire authentication and authorization Knowledge about your organization's IT infrastructure is required to set up any login method other than user name and password authentication against the Spotfire database.

    For other options, see User authentication.

    Operating system of the server where Spotfire Server will be installed Windows or Linux

    Spotfire Server hostname
    Optional: Hostname of load balancer A load balancer can be used by large companies, in clustered server deployments.

  4. Decide on the following for node managers and services:
    You need at least one node manager and a Web Player service to be able to use Spotfire analyses in web clients. You might also need other services. See Introduction to the TIBCO Spotfire environment and Nodes and services introduction for more information. You can always add more node managers and services later on, if needed.
    Required information Description
    Operating system of the server where the node manager/service will be installed Windows or Linux
    Node manager/service hostname