TIBCO Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration


Configures Azure Blob storage of library item data.

[-b value | --bootstrap-config=value]
[-c value | --configuration=value]
[--protocol=value | -p value]
[--account-name=value | -a value]
[--endpoint-suffix=value | -e value]
[--account-key=value | -k value]


Use this command for configuring Azure Blob storage of library data.


Option Optional or Required Default Value Description
-b value
Optional none The path to the bootstrap configuration file. See Bootstrap.xml file for more information about this file.
-c value
Optional configuration.xml The path to the server configuration file.
Optional none The Azure Blob storage container where library data will be stored.
-p value
Optional https The protocol used for communication.
-a value
Optional none The account name of the Azure Blob storage account. Generally, it can be found in the 'Storage Account' tab of the Microsoft Azure Portal.
-e value
Optional none An Azure Blob storage endpoint suffix. For example, core.windows.net.
-k value
Optional none An account key for the Azure Blob storage account.
Optional none An Azure Blob storage connection string. The provided value will be parsed and the required configuration values will be extracted.
Note: This string can be specified instead of --account-name, --account-key, --protocol and --endpoint-suffix. Do not specify any of those values if you intend to use the connection string to connect.
Optional none The optional key prefix to use for allowing data to be stored in the equivalent of a top level folder. The following restrictions are applied:
  • It must not start with a slash (/).
  • It must end with a slash (/).
  • Valid characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and / (slash).