TIBCO Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration

Edit the Oracle create_databases script directly

If you do not want to provide the values at the prompt or create new environment variables for creating the database, then you can edit the create_databases script. Run the edited script to create the Spotfire database for Oracle.

About this task

This method is suggested for backward compatibility only, for server administrators experienced with editing scripts in previous versions.

The file to edit depends on your platform.
  • Linux: create_databases.sh
  • Linux (Oracle Database running on Amazon RDS): create_databases_rds.sh
  • Windows: create_databases.bat
  • Windows (Oracle Database running on Amazon RDS): create_databases_rds.bat

Before you begin

Complete the requirements and steps described in Setting up the Spotfire database (Oracle).


  1. Open the oracle_install directory, and then, in a text editor, open the create_databases script that corresponds to your platform.
  2. In the section under Uncomment to set variables, edit the script by providing the appropriate database server details for the variables described in Variables in create_databases (Oracle).
  3. Save the file and close the text editor.
  4. Open a command line and go to the directory where you placed the scripts.
  5. Run the appropriate create_databases command for your platform.
    • Any variable for which you do not provide a value results in a prompt to provide the value, and then a confirmation message is displayed at the command-line.
    • If all parameters are provided and are correct, then a text similar to the following Linux example is displayed:
      <script directory>/oracle_install/ $ /create_databases.sh
      Press CTRL+C to stop at any time
      Creating Spotfire Server database and user
      Creating TIBCO Spotfire Server tables
      Populating TIBCO Spotfire Server tables
      Please review the log file (log.txt) for any errors or warnings!


The required Spotfire user and database table schemas are created in your database.

The log file log.txt file is created in the working directory. If the execution fails, then the log file contains information about the failure. If the execution succeeds, then information about changes to the database (such as Tablespace created, User created, and so on) are reflected in the log file.

What to do next

Install Spotfire Server

Important: The scripts contain sensitive information so remove them after your Spotfire environment is installed.