TIBCO Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration


Exports content from the library.

[-f | --force] 
[-b value | --bootstrap-config=value] 
[-t value | --tool-password=value] 
<-p value | --file-path=value>
<-u value | --user=value> 
[-a <true|false> | --include-access-rights=<true|false>]
[-c <true|false> | --compressed-content=<true|false>] 
<-i value | --item-type=value> 
<-l value | --library-path=value>


Use this command to export content from the library.


Option Optional or Required Default Value Description
Optional none Indicates that the tool should overwrite any already existing file with the same name as specified in the path argument. All parts of the existing file (path.part0.zip, path.part1.zip, and so on) are also deleted.
-b value
Optional none The path to the bootstrap configuration file. See Bootstrap.xml file for more information about this file.
-t value
Optional none The configuration tool password used to decrypt the database password in the bootstrap.xml file. If the tool password is omitted, the command will prompt the end-user for it on the console. See Bootstrap.xml file help topic for more information.
-p value
Required none The file system path to where the item should be exported.
-u value
Required none The user performing the export should be a Library Administrator. The name of the user needs to include the user's domain name, for example DOMAIN\user or user@domain, unless the user is part of the configured default domain.
-a <true|false>
Optional true Specifies if access rights should be exported.
-c <true|false> 
OptionaltrueSpecifies whether contents are exported in compressed format. Set to false when the exported file is imported on a server where library compression is not supported.
-i value
Required none Indicates which item types should be exported from the library. You can export all items, or all items of a certain type, from a folder. Also, you can export a single item of a certain type. When exporting the content of a folder, valid values are:
  • all_items
  • data_files
  • analysis_files
  • data_access
  • datafunctions
  • colorschemes
  • automation_job
  • information_model
  • mod
When exporting a single item, valid values are, for example:
  • dxp
  • sbdf
  • connectiondatasource
  • query
  • asjob
  • column
  • procedure
  • analyticmodel
  • dxpscript
  • filter
  • datafunction
  • datasource
  • colorscheme
  • dataconnection
  • join
  • mod
-l value
Required none The path in the library where the content is exported from. When exporting folder content, a path to the folder must be specified. When exporting a single item, a path to that specific item must be specified. The path must start with a slash (/). If the entire library should be exported, the path should be "/".
Optional false To specify if the given library path is to be treated as a single item.