TIBCO Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration

Website diagnostics

The Website diagnostics provide you with details about the current activity of the selected service instance.

Name Description
Uptime How long the Web Player service has been running.
Concurrent users The number of currently logged in users. The number in parentheses indicate the maximum number of concurrent users that is being measured during this uptime.
Number of cached queries for data connections The number of cached queries to external data sources. This can be reset by clicking Clear cache for all data connections, see Web Player Service Performance Counters.
Cached analyses The number of currently cached analyses. The number in parentheses indicate the maximum number of analyses that is being measured during this uptime.
Open analyses The number of currently open analyses.
Current sessions Lists the currently-active sessions. Current sessions includes the following information.
  • User names of the active users.
  • The number of open analyses. The number in parentheses indicate the maximum number of analyses that is being measured during this uptime.
  • The session ID.
  • The IP number of the client.
  • The browser used.
  • The time the session started.
Current analyses Lists the currently-open analyses and which users are accessing them. Current analyses includes the following information.
  • The path to the file.
  • The time the file was opened.
  • The analysis ID.
  • Any pending HTTP requests.
  • The time since the last ping.
  • The idle time of the analysis.