TIBCO Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration

Node manager installation

To deploy Spotfire services (like Spotfire Web Player, Spotfire Automation Services, the TERR service, and Spotfire Service for Python) on a node, you must first install the node manager software to manage the service.

Note: It is recommended to install each Spotfire node on a separate host.
Table 1. Services and supported platforms
Service Windows Linux
Spotfire Web Player x x
Spotfire Automation Services x x
TIBCO® Enterprise Runtime for R - Server Edition (TERR Service) x x
Spotfire Service for Python x x
There are several ways to deploy depending on the target operating system:
Table 2. Installation parameters
Parameter Description Default
INSTALLDIR The node manager installation directory.
NODEMANAGER_REGISTRATION_PORT Node manager registration port:
nodemanager.properties: nodemanager.cleartext.port
  • Port used for initial setup of internal secure communication channels.
  • Needs only be accessible from Spotfire Servers.
Important: In a production environment, it is not advisable to run the node manager and the Spotfire Server on the same computer. However, if you are installing the node manager on the same computer as the server, this port must be different than the Spotfire Server backend communication port.
NODEMANAGER_COMMUNICATION_PORT Node manager communication port (TLS):

nodemanager.properties: nodemanager.port

  • Port used for secure (TLS) internal communication within the environment.
  • Needs only be accessible from Spotfire Servers.
Important: If you are installing the node manager on the same computer as Spotfire Server, this port must be different than the Spotfire Server backend communication port.
SERVER_NAME nodemanager.properties: nodemanager.supervisor
  • Must match the host name of the Spotfire Server.
Note: Valid hostnames can only contain alphabetic characters, numeric characters, hyphens, and periods.
SERVER_BACKEND_REGISTRATION_PORT Server backend registration port:

nodemanager.properties: nodemanager.supervisor.cleartext.port

  • Must match the registration port specified in the Spotfire Server installation.
SERVER_BACKEND_COMMUNICATION_PORT Server backend communication port (TLS):

nodemanager.properties: nodemanager.supervisor.port

  • Must match the backend communication port specified in the Spotfire Server installation.
NODEMANAGER_HOST_NAMES A comma-separated list of IP addresses, hostnames, and FQDN names that can be used by backend trust. These should be for the interface(s) on the computer where the node manager is installed.
Note: Valid hostnames can only contain alphabetic characters, numeric characters, hyphens and periods.
Note: If you do not enter any values, the installer automatically provides values. After installation, confirm that these are correct in the following file: <node manager installation dir>\nm\config\nodemanager.properties.
NODEMANAGER_HOST The computer where the node manager is installed.

For administrators of large implementations who want to be able to quickly scale their Spotfire system as necessary, an automated method of installing and configuring services and service instances is available. For details, see Automatically installing services and instances.

For more information, see Nodes and services introduction.