TIBCO Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration


Deletes analysis states, also known as "personalized views for each web client user".

[-b value | --bootstrap-config=value] 
[-t value | --tool-password=value] 
<-u value | --user=value> 
[-q value | --search-query=value] 
[-a value | --keep-technical-versions-after=value] 
[-f | --force]
[-d <true|false> | --show-details=<true|false>]


This command can be used to delete the web client states of analyses saved in the library.


Option Optional or Required Default Value Description
-b value
Optional none The path to the bootstrap configuration file. See Bootstrap.xml file for more information about this file.
-t value
Optional none The configuration tool password used to decrypt the database password in the bootstrap.xml file. If the tool password is omitted, the command will prompt the end user for it on the console. See Bootstrap.xml file for more information.
-u value
Required none This command is executed as the provided user. This user must have a library administrator role.
-q value
Optional none The library search query used to additionally filter which analysis states to delete.
-a value
Optional none Keeps the analysis states for versions after the specified technical version number provided. For example, use the value '57.0' for product version '12.1.0'.
Optional none Indicates whether the matching analysis states should be deleted without need for further confirmation.
-d <true|false> 
Optional True Indicates whether details on the matching analysis states should be displayed.


Example of how to delete all analysis states for a particular user:

delete-analysis-states --search-query="created_by::username" --user=libadmin
Example of how to delete all analysis states for a particular analysis file:
delete-analysis-states --search-query="AnalysisId::37c4c531-80ba-4ee4-8589-0b618017647e" --user=libadmin
Example of how to delete analysis states older than a year:
delete-analysis-states --search-query="created:<\"1 year ago\"" --user=libadmin

Example of how to delete analysis states older than a specific date:

delete-analysis-states --search-query="created:<\"2009-02-01T18:27:55CEST\"" --user=libadmin

Example of how to delete all analysis states created by a Web Player version earlier than 12.1.0 (technical version 57.0):

delete-analysis-states --keep-technical-versions-after=57.0 --user=libadmin