TIBCO Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration

Information Services settings

Information Services provides end users with the ability to access and pivot data from multiple databases simultaneously, without having to know anything about installing database drivers, underlying data schemas or SQL.

End users' access to data from multiple sources can be configured and controlled through settings in Information Services. Below is a list of common settings with short descriptions. These are server settings, and you cannot use the settings for individual data sources.

For configuring the Information Services process, for example to configure memory settings, see config-external-information-services-process.

For instructions on changing the settings, see set-config-prop or Manually editing the Spotfire Server configuration file.

Setting Description
information-services.jdbc.oracle.use-faster-schema-listing List all Oracle users as schema list.
information-services.dat.no-sbdf Use Spotfire text data format or Spotfire binary data format when transferring data from Spotfire Server to a Spotfire client.
information-services.runtime-query-validation Validate information link prior to execution.
information-services.dat.data-block-queue-size Maximum number of queued (not yet consumed by client) data blocks per job.
information-services.dat.idle-limit Maximum idle time in seconds before a job is garbage collected.
information-services.dat.max-field-size Maximum size (in Megabytes) for a data cell.
information-services.dat.max-jobs Maximum number of concurrent jobs.
information-services.dat.max-timeout Maximum value of timeout parameters; must be at least 60 seconds less than the idle limit.
information-services.dat.pivot.thread-pool-size Maximum number of pivot worker threads.
information-services.dat.reshape.max-memory-usage Maximum memory available to a reshape operation.
information-services.dat.retrieve-timeout Maximum time allowed for retrieve requests, in seconds.
information-services.dat.thread-pool-size Maximum number of job worker threads.
information-services.ds.credentials-cache-timeout The default expiration time in seconds for cached data source authentication credentials.
information-services.ds.credentials-provider The class used to provide credentials for data sources that require authentication. Must implement the com.spotfire.ws.im.ds.authspi.CredentialsProvider interface.
information-services.jdbc.connection-login-timeout Login timeout for JDBC database connections.
information-services.jdbc.oracle.temp-table-grantee Selecting privileges on temporary tables used during query execution will be granted to this user or role. The temporary tables are only valid during the query transaction.

This setting affects the behavior when the number of filter values sent to a JDBC data source exceeds the condition-list-threshold.

If set to false (default): all data rows matching any duplicate filter values will be duplicated.

If set to true: data rows matching any duplicates will not be duplicated (the same behavior as when the number of filter values is below the condition-list-threshold limit), but there is a large performance penalty.

information-services.logs.max-procedure-input-rows-logged Specifies the number of rows of input in a stored procedure to print when an Information Link contains a stored procedure. The default value is 10.

If your stored procedure contains more than the set value, then the log prints the number of rows specified, and concludes the entry with an elipsis (" . . .")


Determines whether parameters in information link queries should be validated when executed.

The default value is true.

Sometimes this validation results in errors, for example if you use extensions that create custom SQL parameters, or parameters of the type 'undefined'.

To disable the validation process, set the value of this setting to false.

CAUTION: When validation is disabled, it is possible to execute arbitrary SQL.

This setting modifies the order in which Spotfire searches for an available data source for creating temporary tables when performing joins between different data sources.

Possible values:

  • FIRST_ELEMENT_TARGET (default): Spotfire first searches for a writable data source in the information link's data source list (the list is sorted in ascending order).
  • LAST_ELEMENT_TARGET : Spotfire first searches for a writable data source in the information link's data source list (the list is sorted in descending order).
  • DEFAULT_JOIN_DATA_SOURCE : Spotfire first tries to use the default join database. For instruction on how to configure a default join database, see Default join database.