TIBCO Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration

Information Services troubleshooting

Information Services runs in a java subprocess on the main TIBCO Spotfire Server. If the subprocess stops for any reason, the Spotfire Server will try to restart it 3 times every 3 hours.

In case you encounter any other issues with the Information Services process, follow the troubleshooting steps described in this article.

When you try to open an information link or the Information Designer and you get the error message IS process is not started, cannot forward the request, try the following:

  • You might not have enough memory. Try to increase the max memory by running the command line reference
    config-external-information-services-process --max-memory=<value>
  • The init timeout is set to 2 mins (120 s). This might not be enough time to start the IS process. Try to increase the timeout by running the command line reference
    config-external-information-services-process --init-timeout=<value>
  • If the information services process is not running, this might be because port 9444 is not available. Make sure that port 9444, or the port you configured to use with information services, is available.

  • For other errors, check the logs in the installation directory of the Spotfire Server. Check the following files:

    • logs/informationservices/server.log
    • logs/informationservices.stdouterr.log

Missing driver

If you see one of the following error messages: Could not open information link. or Could not get contents of <data source> from the server. while trying to save, test, edit or open an information link, this might be because the datasource template is configured, but the driver is missing.

If the driver files are missing, you will also see an error message in the logs/informationservices/server.log file:

api.common.InformationModelServiceCommon: Failed to initialize connection pool: Cannot instantiate JDBC driver with class name cs.jdbc.driver.CompositeDriver

Try to put the datasource drivers (.jar files) in the <install-dir>/tomcat/custom-ext-informationservices directory.

Note: If you are using Oracle as the Spotfire database and you want to access data with information services (regardless of whether you want to access Oracle data), you must add the same Oracle jar file in both directories <installation dir>/tomcat/custom-ext and <installation dir>/tomcat/custom-ext-informationservices.

After you added files to any of the two folders, you must restart Spotfire Server.