TIBCO Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration

Node logs

The node logs store important diagnostic information. The information can help in troubleshooting and resolving issues.

To view node manager logs, see Accessing Spotfire Server and node logs.
The following table is a partial list available from the Select log file to view drop-down list found in the node Log files page. These are the most important node manager log files. You can find information for other logs on this list in the following topics:

You can find the node manager logs in the following directory: <tsnm installation directory>\nm\logs

Example: C:\tibco\tsnm\<version>\nm\logs

Log file Description
jetty.log The output from the jetty container that the node manager runs within (similar to catalina.log).
nm.log, nm.log.n (n is a number between 1 and the maximum number of logs that is configured to roll through.) Information about all activity on the node.
nodemanager.txt Generated only when you create a troubleshooting bundle. If you download another troubleshooting bundle at a later time, this log file is overwritten with newer data.
service-<guid>.log STDOUT from the service with the specific GUID. This is a service instance log, and not an installation log.
startup.log Logging related to service startup--the stdout/err for starting the TSNM service on Linux. By default, set to INFO.
winsw.err.log STDERR output captured by the Windows service handler.
winsw.out.log STDOUT output captured by the Windows service handler.
Note: If you have an issue with the node manager, the nm.log generally provides the needed details.