TIBCO Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration

Server metrics to monitor (advanced)

These more advanced Spotfire Server metrics can help you determine if your Spotfire implementation is optimized.

Table 1. Metrics available in JMX
MetricJMX string
Database timeoutscom.spotfire.server:type=DataSource,name="server.default ", TimeoutCount
Database ActiveCountcom.spotfire.server:type=DataSource,name="server.default",CurrentActiveCount
Errorcountcom.spotfire.server:type=DataSource,name="server.default", ErrorCount
Refused Information Services jobscom.spotfire.server:type=ServerMetrics,InformationServicesRejectedJob
Tomcat Connectors(JMX Spotfire:type=GlobalRequestProcessor,name=* ,{errorCount, requestCount}) + (JMX:Spotfire:type=ThreadPool,name=*, {currentThreadCount,currentThreadsBusy})

What to look for

  • A constant rise in errors indicates an issue that should be investigated.
  • A constant rise in timeouts, rejected jobs, or both, means that the underlying resource pool is not configured to handle the sustained load.