TIBCO Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration

Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Web.config file

This configuration file specifies Web Player service configurations, some Automation Services configurations, and user interface elements applicable to both the web clients and the library browser on Spotfire Server.

Note: The settings in the sections <application>, <userInterface><pages>, <userInterface><closedAnalysis>, and <userInterface><errorPage>, and the setting maxReceivedMessageSizeMb, which sets the maximum size for file upload, are applicable both to the web client and the library browser on Spotfire Server. If these settings are changed, you must run the set-service-config command to apply the settings in the web client, and the set-server-service-config command to apply the settings in the library browser on Spotfire Server.
For information on working with this file, see Manually editing the service configuration files.
Setting Default value Description
   enabled True Controls whether the use of the JavaScript API is enabled or disabled.
   domain Restricts from which domains it is possible to use the JavaScript API.

By default, all domains are allowed. A non-empty domain whitelist indicates that only the listed domains can embed Spotfire files in their web site using the JavaScript API. The list is a comma-separated list of domain names.

<errorReporting> This section is applicable for both Web Player services and Automation Services.
   emailAddress " " Specify the e-mail address for the Spotfire administrator. When a user encounters certain server related errors, a Report error to your administrator mailto link is displayed. If the user clicks the link, an e-mail addressed to the administrator, including the error log, is created in the default e-mail application.
Note: To apply this setting, you must enable it on the Spotfire Server by running the set-server-service-config command.
   maxMailLength 1000 Specify the maximum number of characters in the e-mail that is generated when a user clicks the Report error to your administrator link.
Note: To apply this setting, you must enable it on the Spotfire Server by running the set-server-service-config command.
   includeDetailedErrorInformation False Set to true to enable detailed error information, like call stacks in messages to end users. For security reasons this should not be enabled by default.
   enabledMiniDumpCreationOnError True Create a mini dump file if the service goes down unintentionally.
   miniDumpPath " " Specify the location where the mini dump file should be saved on the computer with the node manager installed. Leave this empty to save the mini dump file to the folder that contains the node manager log files.
   miniDumpSizeLarge False Set to true to create a full dump. Note that this can create a very large dump file. This setting should not be edited unless instructed by Spotfire Support.
   miniDumpSizeBoth False Set to true to capture both a small and a large dump. miniDumpSizeBoth will override miniDumpSizeLarge to capture both sizes when enabled. This setting should not be edited unless instructed by Spotfire Support.
   dumpToolPath On Windows: A tool, such as cdb.exe, can be used to automatically capture dumps for hanging service instance processes. To use the cdb.exe tool to capture dumps, it must be installed. Search for "Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows" and install it. Make sure to include Debugging Tools for Windows when installing. Then specify the path to the cdb.exe here.

On Linux: Leave blank.

   dumpToolFlagsSmall On Windows: These flags will be used if miniDumpSizeLarge is set to False. Set the flag to "-c &quot;.dump /mhtpFidcu {0};qd&quot; -p {1}". For information on the flags, refer to the cdb.exe documentation.

On Linux: Leave blank.

   dumpToolFlagsLarge On Windows: These flags will be used if miniDumpSizeLarge is set to True. Set the flag to "-c &quot;.dump /mA {0};qd&quot; -p {1}". For information on the flags, refer to the cdb.exe documentation.

On Linux: Leave blank.

   dumpToolFlagsBoth On Windows: These flags will be used if miniDumpSizeBoth is set to True. Set the flag to "-c &quot;.dump /mhtpFidcu {0};.dump /mA {1};qd&quot; -p {2}". For information on the flags, refer to the cdb.exe documentation.

On Linux: Leave blank.

<languages> This section is applicable for both Web Player services and Automation Services.
<installedLanguages /> This section should not be edited. The list of installed languages will be populated automatically.
<languageMappings> You can define a mapping from a language preference configured by users in the browser to one of the languages installed on the service. For example, if your users have French (Canada) [fr-CA] as the highest preference language in their web browser, but the service uses French (France) [fr-FR], you can specify that [fr-FR] should be used even if the end users have not added [fr-FR] to their list of supported languages in the browser.
   add browserLanguage For each mapping from a browser language that is not directly supported, add a setting in the <languageMappings> section in the format:

<add browserLanguage="en-GB" installedLanguageToUse="en-US"/>

<sbdfCache> To quickly create and share map chart visualizations that use geocoding tables, and to quickly open SBDF files from the library, it is possible to cache and preload the SBDF files stored in the library. The cache is an in-memory cache that keeps recently opened SBDF files from the library open. If files have not been accessed for a specified time, or if memory is low, they will be removed from memory.

This section is applicable for both Web Player services and Automation Services.

   enabled True Set to true to enable the cache.
   cacheTimeoutMinutes 30 Specify the minimum time an SBDF file is stored in the cache. If the preload service is used, this should be a bit longer than the libraryCheckInterval setting.
   enabled False

Set to true to enable the preload service of SBDF files.

Note: The cache must also be enabled for the preload service to work.
   libraryCheckIntervalMinutes 10 Specify how often the preloading service will check the library for new content.
   librarySearch MapChart.IsGeocodingTable::true AND MapChart.IsGeocodingEnabled::true The search string that specifies which SBDF files to cache. The default search string specifies all geocoding tables in the library; you may want to restrict this to reduce memory consumption.
   concurrentUpdates 2 The maximum number of updates that can be executed at the same time per Web Player service. This is used to limit resources used by the update mechanism. Min value is 1 and max value is 256.
   concurrentUpdatesPerCore 0.0 (setting is not used by default) The maximum number of updates that can be executed at the same time relative to the number of cores in the computer on which the Web Player service is installed.

Setting this value to a positive number overrides the concurrentUpdates setting, except if the resulting value (setting × cores) is not within the allowed range of 1.0 - 256.0.


  • 0.25 sets concurrentUpdates to 1/4 of the number of cores in the computer.
  • 1.0 sets concurrentUpdates to a value that equals the number of cores in the computer.
   updateIntervalSeconds 60 Specify how often the service should check if any updates should be run. This is set in seconds. Min value is 30, and max value is 3600 (one hour).
   useKerberos False Set to true to run scheduled updates as a specific Windows account when delegated Kerberos is enabled in the environment. If set to false, scheduled updates will run using the node manager service account.

To specify the Windows account, add the following section:

<kerberosIdentity userName="domain\username" password="password" /> and specify the account username and password.

   customAccount " " To use an existing account instead of scheduledupdates@SPOTFIRESYSTEM, enter the username of the account, including the domain, here (useKerberos must be false).
   alwaysPreserveState False Set to true to preserve the current state of an analysis, such as marking, filtering, active page, etc., when an analysis is updated. Setting this to true will override the settings "Remember personalized view for each web client user" in Document Properties (defined in Spotfire Analyst) and the configuration defined under <performance><analysis>documentStateEnabled.
   enabled True It is possible to force updates on users even though the analysis is set to notify the users. This is useful if someone has left an analysis open for a long time and you want to avoid numerous versions of the analysis to be kept simultaneously. To enable forced updates, set this key to true.
   maximumRejectedUpdates 2 Specify the number of times a user can be notified of new updates without accepting them, before the update is forced on the user.
   enabled False If the Web Player service is restarted, analyses that are scheduled to be pre-loaded must be reloaded. If the data used in the analyses takes a long time to load, so will the analyses. Therefore, it is possible to cache data from scheduled analyses on disk so that the analyses reload faster on restart.

Set this to true to enable caching of data on disk.

   path " " Specify the path on disk where data is to be stored.
   maxDiskSizeMb 0 Specify the maximum disk space used for the cached data. Set this to “0” (zero) to cache data without an upper limit.
   maxAgeMinutes 1440 Specify how long a cache entry should be kept on disk if it has not been reloaded by scheduled updates.
   helpUrl You can change the default help link for web client users to point to a locally stored Spotfire help. Specify the location of the locally stored help here. To use this specified help link, you must also set the useDefaultHelpUrl setting to False.
Note: The URL must reference a Spotfire help. It is not supported to use a URL that is a reference to a website or a non-Spotfire help.
   useDefaultHelpUrl True Set this to false and specify a locally stored help in the helpUrl setting to change the target of the help link in the web client. To switch back to the default online web client help, set this to true again.
   showLogout True Specify if the Log out menu item is displayed. If true, the menu item is displayed in the top right menu of the web client.
   showAbout True Specify if the About menu item is displayed. If true, the menu item is displayed in the top right menu of the web client.
   showHelp True Specify if the Help menu item is displayed. If true, the menu item is displayed in the top right menu of the web client.
   showUserName True Specify if the user name should appear in the web client user interface, for example in the Modified By section in the library browser and the Analysis Information dialog.
<diagnostics> This section is applicable for both Web Player services and Automation Services.
   errorLogMaxLines 2000 Specify the maximum number of lines from the error log files to display in Monitoring and diagnostics. The range is 1000 - 50000.
   showRunGC True Specify if a garbage collection link should be visible in Monitoring and diagnostics, for web service instances.
   showToolTip True Specify if highlighting tooltips should be shown in visualizations in the web client. Setting this value to false will increase performance.
   showClose True Specify if the Close menu item is displayed. If true, the menu item is displayed in the top right menu of the web client.
   showToolBar True Specify if the toolbar containing the menu and other controls is displayed in the web client.
   showAnalysisInformationTool True Specify if the Analysis Information menu item is displayed. If true, the menu item is displayed in the top right menu of the web client.
   showExportFile True Specify if the Download as DXP file menu item is displayed. If true, the menu item is displayed in the top right menu of the web client.
   showExportVisualization True Specify if the Export Visualization Image menu item is displayed. If true, the menu item is displayed in the top right menu of the web client.
   showUndoRedo True Specify if the Undo and Redo menu items are displayed and if undo is available in the visualization. If true, the menu item is displayed in the top right menu of the web client.
   showDodPanel "" Specify the behavior of the Details-on-Demand (DoD) panel.

If empty (""), the DoD panel is displayed if the author of the analysis file chooses to display the DoD panel.

If true, the DoD panel is always displayed.

If false, the DoD panel is never displayed.

   showFilterPanel "" Specify the behavior of the Filters panel.

If empty (""), the Filters panel is displayed if the author of the analysis file chooses to display the Filters panel.

If true, the Filters panel is always displayed.

If false, the Filters panel is never displayed.

   showPageNavigation True Specify if the Page tabs (or page links) in analyses are displayed. If you set this to false only the currently active Page as saved in the analysis will be displayed.
   showStatusBar True Specify if the status bar is displayed.
   showPrint True Specify if the Print menu item is displayed. If true, the menu item is displayed in the top right menu of the web client.
   allowRelativeLinks False Specify if incomplete links in the Spotfire Web Player should be treated as relative to the library root directory. If false, incomplete links will be prepended with http://.
   showShareWithTwitter True Specify if users should be able to share analyses on Twitter.
   showCollaboration True Specify if the collaboration tool is displayed.
</analysis> True
   source Default Specify in which of the server and web player UIs any added custom header is to be used. The available values of the setting are default, local, and none. For more information, see Adding Custom Headers to Spotfire UIs in the TIBCO Spotfire® Cobranding manual.
   showOpenLibrary True Specify if the Open Library link is displayed on the Closed Analysis page.
   showReopenAnalysis True Specify if the Reopen Analysis link is displayed on the Closed Analysis page.
   redirectToLibrary True Specify if the Closed Analysis page is displayed after an analysis is closed.
   showOpenLibrary True Specify if the Open Library link is displayed on an error page.
   showReopenAnalysis True Specify if the Reopen Analysis link is displayed on an error page.
<gcConfiguration> This section is applicable for both Web Player services and Automation Services.
   sustainedLowLatencyMode True Enabling sustainedLowLatencyMode should lead to fewer pauses during blocking GC, it may also lead to higher memory usage since GC now becomes less aggressive. When this setting is disabled, the Interactive latency mode is used.
<recoverMemory> This section is applicable for both Web Player services and Automation Services.
   enabled True Enabling recoverMemory will help the system in the case where memory is exhausted and the last user session is removed. This state may occur if GC was not triggered by the system when freeing up large resources.

The action can be specified with an integer depending on the service's memory status:

0. Do nothing.

1. Run garbage collection GC2.

2. Recycle the process.

   actionWhenOk 0 Specify action when memory is OK.
   actionWhenStrained 1 Specify action when memory is strained.
   actionWhenExhausted 2 Specify action when memory is exhausted.
   recycleIfScheduledAndCacheEnabled False Set to True to allow actions (garbage collection or process recycling) to be triggered even if analyses are cached by scheduled updates, but only if scheduled updates caching is enabled.
   recycleEvenIfScheduledAnalyses False Set to True to allow actions (garbage collection or process recycling) to be triggered even if analyses are cached by scheduled updates, even if scheduled updates caching is not enabled.
   triggerEvenIfUsersLoggedIn True Actions (garbage collection or process recycling) may be triggered even if users are logged in.
   allowGcEvenIfAnalysesLoaded False Set to True to allow GC even if analyses are open.
   minMinutesBetweenGc 60 Specify the minimum number of minutes between garbage collections.
   minMinutesBeforeRecycle 300 Specify the minimum number of minutes before the process is recycled.
   recycleWhenOutOfDiskEnabled True Specifies whether the instances of a Web Player service are recycled when the service's temporary disk space falls below a specified amount, for a specified time period. When set to "true", and recycleWhenOutOfDiskAfter is a non-zero period of time, the Web Players are recycled if available disk space remains "very low" for that time span.

For more information, see Changing the settings that determine when Web Player services are recycled due to low temporary disk space.

   recycleWhenOutOfDiskAfter 01:00:00 If the available temporary disk space is very low for this period of time, the process is recycled. The value of "very low" disk space is set in the Health_ExhaustedTempDiskMb property in the Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.exe.config file (Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.dll.config file for services installations on Linux).
   purgeInterval 300 Specify the number of seconds between searches to identify unused, open documents (templates) to be purged. The range is 60 to 3600.
   itemExpirationTimeout 00:00:00 Specify the length of time, in the format HH:MM:SS, that a document can remain in the cache when no open analysis is using that document template. Maximum value is 47.00:00:00.
   antiAliasEnabled True Specify if anti-aliasing is enabled. It is recommended that you leave anti-aliasing enabled in order to produce visualizations that are clear and sharp.

All graphics in the web client are rendered with anti-aliasing enabled. However, anti-aliasing does impose a slight performance impact. The performance impact may become noticeable for visualizations that consist of a very large amount of graphical objects.

   useClearType True Specify if ClearType is enabled. It is recommended that you leave ClearType enabled in order to produce clear and sharp text in visualizations.

All graphics in the Spotfire Web Player are rendered with ClearType enabled. However, ClearType imposes a slight performance impact. The performance impact may become noticeable for certain visualizations.

   documentStateEnabled True Specifies that the state of files is maintained between sessions. If this value is set to "true", when users resume working on a file, the file will be in the state in which that user left the file.
   closedTimeout 120 Specify how long, in seconds, an analysis session will stay alive when a ping fails. The range is 60 to 4000000 (~46 days).
   checkClosedInterval 60 Specify how often, in seconds, a check should be made to determine if an analysis has been closed in the web client. The range is 60 to 300.
   inactivityTimeout 02:00:00 Specify the length of time, in the format HH:MM:SS, that an analysis session can be alive when no user activity has been detected, excluding pings. The range is 00:01:00 to Infinite.
   checkInactivityInterval 300 Specify how often, in seconds, a check should be made to determine if an analysis session has had no user activity, excluding pings. The range is 60 to 12*3600.
   regularPollChangesInterval 500 Specify the base interval, in microseconds, from when a change is made on the web client to when the client polls for a status update. The range is 200 to 1000.
   maxPollChangesInterval 3000 Specify the maximum value, in microseconds, by which the poll interval in regularPollChangesInterval is increased for each try until this value is reached. The range is 1000 to 10000.
   pollLoadInterval 1000 Specify the interval, in microseconds, between polls when an analysis file is loading. The range is 1000 to 10000.
   needsRefreshInterval 15 Specify the frequency, in seconds, with which the web client should ping or poll to keep the analysis alive. The range is 10 to 60.
   privateThreadPoolEnabled True This setting should not be edited unless instructed by TIBCO Spotfire Support.
   privateThreadPoolWorkerCount 1 This setting should not be edited unless instructed by TIBCO Spotfire Support.
   toolTipDelay 1000 Specify the length of time, in microseconds, that the client must wait before requesting a visualization highlighting tooltip from the server. The range is 200 to 3000.
   undoRedoEnabled True Specify if the Undo and Redo functionality is enabled.
   maxRenderTimeMs 60000 Specify the time limit, in milliseconds, for each request or render job is allowed to create an image on the web client for a visualization. You can use this setting to prevent long-running requests or jobs from making the web client unresponsive.
   maxAnalysisShutdownInformations 1024 When an analysis is closed, the reasons why it was closed are stored and used when the analysis is re-opened. This value specifies the maximum number of entries stored.
Note: This setting should not be changed.
<application> This section is applicable for both Web Player services and Automation Services.
   checkUserSessionTimeoutIntervalSeconds 120 How often to check whether a user has timed out on the service.
   userSessionTimeout 00:20:00 How long a user is cached on the service.
   maxConcurrentWebServiceCallsPerCall 16 Specify how many active web service calls are allowed per CPU core on the service instance.
   maxReceivedMessageSizeMb 1024 Specify the maximum size, in megabytes (MB), of files uploaded to the service.

The allowed range is 1 to 2048.

   maxReaderQuotasSizeKb 256 Specify the maximum size of request and response messages sent to and from the service.
   requestTimeoutSeconds 3600 Specify the timeout, in seconds, for requests between the Spotfire Server and the service. This might need to be increased if large files or data sets are uploaded to the service.
<performanceCounterLogging> This section is applicable for both Web Player services and Automation Services.
   enabled True Enable or disable the logging of the specified performance counters. The result of this logging can be found in the PerformanceCounterLog.txt file specified in the log4net.config file.
   cpuAverageTimeSpan 30 Specify the number of seconds to use for a rolling average when calculating the CPU load. The calculated CPU load is used to determine if the service instance is exhausted, strained, or ok.
   logInterval 120 Specify the number of seconds between each performance counter logging at INFO level.
   logWcfCounters True When enabled, this setting logs the performance counters related to Windows Communication Foundation.
   dontLogRepeatedValues True Set to true to not log repeated performance counter values. An exception is that INFO level counters with a non-zero value will be logged every time. Enabling this setting will make the log files much smaller.
   counters Add performance counters you wish to log, at both INFO and DEBUG level, separated by a comma “,”. Each counter consists of three parts: category, counter, and instance, separated by a semi-colon “;”. Both standard Windows performance counters, as well as a set of internal TIBCO counters, may be included.
   debugLogInterval 15 Specify the number of seconds between each performance counter logging at DEBUG level.
   debugCounters Add additional performance counters you wish to log at DEBUG level, separated by a comma “,”.
<statistics> This section is applicable for both Web Player services and Automation Services.
   flushInterval 60 Specify the number of seconds between each logging.
   enabled True When true, enables logging of all the other statistics for the service. The result of this logging can be found in the other log files specified in the log4net.config file.
<hierarchicalClustering> This section is applicable for both Web Player services and Automation Services.
   maxInteractiveElements 2000 Specify the maximum number of rows or columns of a hierarchical clustering that can be started interactively in the web client.
   maxElements 30000 Specify the maximum number of rows or columns of a hierarchical clustering that can run on the web client. Scheduled updates can run hierarchical clustering up to this size.
   maxInteractiveJobs 2 Specify the maximum number of interactive clustering jobs running in parallel.
   cpuFactorInteractiveJobs 0.8 Specify an estimate of the number of threads that clustering will use for interactive jobs on a multi-core server running the Web Player service.
   cpuFactorLargeJobs 0.5 Specify an estimate of the number of threads that clustering will use for scheduled update jobs on a multi-core server running the Web Player service.
   nativeMemory 500 Specifies a memory limit, in MBytes, for the clustering algorithm. The default value 500 (MBytes) matches maxElements = 30000.