TIBCO Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration

Spotfire Enterprise Player license

The Enterprise Player license contains basic functionality needed by most user roles. It enables features such as saving files to disk or to the library, opening files from the library, opening linked data, and exporting to various formats.

Note: For technical reasons, some license features under this license are also needed for users running Spotfire Consumer, Business Author and Analyst.
Feature Provides permission to
Bookmarks Work with bookmarks.
Capture Private and Public Bookmarks Work with private and public bookmarks.
Capture Private Bookmarks Work with private bookmarks.
Change Password Change one's own password.
Create Collaboration Conversations Collaborate with others by creating new conversations.
Create Multiple Windows View an analysis in multiple windows or browser tabs simultaneously.
Details on Demand Display the Details-on-Demand panel.
Export Data Export data from a data table or a visualization to file, and copy the data used in a visualization to clipboard.
Export Image Export visualizations as images.
Export to PDF Export analysis files to PDF.
Export to PowerPoint Export analysis files to Microsoft PowerPoint.
Find Allows a user to open the Find tool.
Open File Open local DXP files.
Note: Without this feature, users cannot open any files. At least one of the 'Open' options is required for all user roles: Analysts, Business Authors and Consumers.
Open from Library Open files from the Spotfire library.
Note: Without this feature, users cannot open any files from the library. At least one of the 'Open' options is required for all user roles: Analysts, Business Authors and Consumers.
Open Linked Data Open analysis files that contain linked data.
Print Print visualizations to paper.
Save Spotfire Analysis Files Save analysis files.
Note: Without this feature, users cannot save any files. At least one of the 'Save' options is required for Analysts and Business Authors.
Share link Share links to analyses.
Save to Library Save files and export data to the Spotfire library.
Note: Without this feature, users cannot save any files to the library. At least one of the 'Save' options is required for Analysts and Business Authors.
Support Diagnostics and Logging Access support diagnostics and logging.
Undo/Redo Undo and redo actions.
View Collaboration Conversations View collaboration conversations.
Web Page Panel Use the Web Page panel.