TIBCO Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration


Updates the configuration of an OpenID Connect provider.

[-c value | --configuration=value] 
[-b value | --bootstrap-config=value] 
<-n value | --provider-name=value> 


Use this command to update an existing OpenID Connect provider configuration. For example, can be used after the register-oidc-client command in a script.


Option Optional or Required Default Value Description
-c value
Optional configuration.xml The path to the server configuration file.
-b value
Optional none The path to the bootstrap configuration file. See Bootstrap.xml file for more information about this file.
-n value 
Required none The name of the provider to update. Normally displayed to end users on the login page.
Optional none Specifies whether the provider should be enabled..
Optional none The URL to the provider's OpenID Connect Discovery document.
Optional none The client ID given by the provider during registration.
Optional none The client secret given by the provider during registration.
Optional none The way the domain of authenticated users is established. Can be one of the following.
  • use_domain_claim
  • use_static_domain
  • parse_username_claim
This argument is optional unless the value of the --provider-domain-option is use_static_domain. none The domain name which to assign the authenticated users to.
Optional none The name of the claim to use as username for the authenticated users. Can be email, for example. The name of the claim is case sensitive.
Note: Only sub is guaranteed to be a unique and stable identifier.
Optional none The name of the claim to use as the display name for the authenticated users. The name of the claim is case sensitive.
Optional none The name of the claim to use as email address for the authenticated users. The name of the claim is case sensitive.
Optional none The name of the claim to use as domain name for the authenticated users. The name of the claim is case sensitive.
Optional none The ID token signature algorithm to expect.
Optional none Indicates that signature verification of ID tokens should be disabled. This should normally only be specified if the provider does not sign the ID tokens.
Optional none The authentication method to use when communicating with the provider's Token Endpoint. Can be one of the following.
  • client_secret_basic
  • client_secret_post
  • client_secret_jwt
private_key_jwt is not supported.
Optional none A scope to include in the authentication request (besides openid; that is always included). This argument can be specified multiple times with different values.
Optional none The value to give the prompt request parameter when making the authentication request. Controls how the provider prompts the end user. May be one of the following.
  • none
  • login
  • consent
  • select_account
Optional none Custom parameters are cleared from the provider configuration. This flag can be used together with the -Pkey flag to remove all old custom parameters before adding the new.
Optional none A custom parameter included in the authentication request. Must not be any of the parameters controlled through other settings (such as scope or prompt). Can be specified multiple times with different keys.
Optional false Indicates whether the 'id_token_hint' parameter should be included in the authentication request (when an ID token is available, for example, when users re-authenticate after an absolute session timeout).
Optional none The background color of the provider's button on the login page (when applicable), as a hexadecimal color value.