Spotfire® Automation Services User Guide

Configuring the Client Job Sender

The configuration file Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ClientJobSender.exe.config is a standard XML configuration file. It is used to configure authentication to the Spotfire Server, and the logging and handling of communication with Spotfire Server.

Before you begin

To configure OAuth2 authentication to the server, an administrator must first run a command on the Spotfire Server command line; for instructions, see Configuring the Client Job Sender for OAuth2 authentication.


Open the configuration file in an XML editor or a text editor, and edit the following settings as necessary:
Setting Description
Spotfire.Server.RequestTimeoutSeconds Specify the maximum number of seconds for a single request to the Spotfire Server. The default value is 600.
Spotfire.Server.Proxy.UserName, Spotfire.Server.Proxy.Password Specify the username and password for proxy servers using Basic authentication.

The proxy password can be encrypted if needed. See the Note at the end of the topic for more information.

Spotfire.MaxJobExecutionTimeSeconds Specify the maximum number of seconds that a job can run before the application cancels the job. If set to 0 or less, the application will not cancel the job. The default value is -1.
Note: If the async flag is used on the command line when running a job, this setting is ignored.
Note: The specified value in the Spotfire Server setting max-job-execution-time will also affect the cancellation of the job. The lowest specified time will decide when the job is cancelled. For details on this setting, see the Spotfire Server and Environment Installation and Administration help.
Spotfire.Logging.Level Specify the logging level for the client job execution. The log file Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ClientJobSender.exe.log is located in the same directory as the Client Job Sender files. The default value is INFO.
Spotfire.AllowedCertificateValidationErrors If SSL is enabled on the Spotfire Server, certificate errors can be suppressed by this client by changing this setting. Set to None to allow no certificate errors. To allow specific errors, set the value to any or all of these values, separated by commas: RemoteCertificateChainErrors, RemoteCertificateNameMismatch, RemoteCertificateNotAvailable.
Spotfire.AllowedTlsVersions Specify the TLS protocol version to use when communicating with the TSS server. If multiple values are used, they should be separated by comma. Possible values are: Tls, Tls11, Tls12, Tls13.​ If the setting is left empty it will use the default system (machine) settings.
Spotfire.Authentication.ClientCertificate.​Enabled Set to True if Spotfire Server requires a client certificate.
Spotfire.Authentication.ClientCertificate.StoreLocation The store location for the installed X.509 client certificate used to authenticate with Spotfire Server. Can be CurrentUser or LocalMachine.
Spotfire.Authentication.ClientCertificate.StoreName The store name for the installed X.509 client certificate used to authenticate with Spotfire Server. Can be AddressBook, AuthRoot, CertificateAuthority, My, Root, TrustedPeople, or TrustedPublisher.
Spotfire.Authentication.ClientCertificate.SerialNumber The serial number for the installed X.509 client certificate used to authenticate with Spotfire Server.
Spotfire.Authentication.OAuth2.ClientId The client ID for OAuth2 authentication.

Set this to the clientId that is returned when you run the register-job-sender-client command-line interface (CLI) command. For instructions on running the command, see Configuring the Client Job Sender for OAuth2 authentication.

Spotfire.Authentication.OAuth2.ClientSecret The client secret for OAuth2 authentication.

Set this to the clientSecret that is returned when you run the register-job-sender-client CLI command. For instructions on running the command, see Configuring the Client Job Sender for OAuth2 authentication. The client secret can be encrypted if needed. See the Note at the end of the topic for more information.

Note: It is possible to encrypt a password or client secret that is specified in the configuration file. To encrypt the password or client secret (whichever setting has a value in the configuration file), enter the following on the command line:
Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ClientJobSender.exe -encryptPassword [encryptWithUserScope]
Add the encryptWithUserScope parameter to encrypt using the current Windows user account; otherwise, the computer account is used. For more information, see After encryption, the password or ClientSecret fields in the configuration file are empty, and new fields on the form {setting}.EncryptedUserscope or {setting}.EncryptedMachineScope (for example, Spotfire.Server.Proxy.Password.EncryptedUserscope) containing the encrypted password or client secret are added.