Spotfire® Automation Services User Guide

Using server administration pages to schedule jobs

In the Automation Services area of the Spotfire web administration pages, you can schedule Automation Services jobs to run periodically. You can also monitor and troubleshoot the resulting job executions.

About this task

  • You must belong to the Automation Services Users group.
  • The Automation Services job that you want to schedule must be saved in the Spotfire library.
  • You must have Browse + Access permission for the library folder that contains the Automation Services job.


  1. To open the Automation Services Job Builder, click Tools > Automation Services Job Builer.
  2. Open the job you want to schedule by clicking Add, and then click Tools > Manage Job Schedule.
    Note: If you are logged in on the server, the Scheduled jobs page for the specific job will be opened directly. If you are not logged in, enter your credentials on the login screen, go to Automation Services > Scheduled jobs, click Schedule a job, then select the job you want to schedule from the Select automation job from library dialog and click OK.
  3. Click Add schedule and then specify start and end date, the repetition pattern and which days to repeat. If necessary, change the time zone.
    Note: You can enter only one time in the Schedule a job dialog. If you want to schedule the job to run twice or more on the same day, add additional schedules for the job.
    For example, if you want a job to run every 6 hours on Mondays and Thursdays, for 4 weeks, add this schedule to the job:

  4. Click Add schedule in the dialog.
  5. When you have finished adding schedules, click Save.


The new scheduled job appears in the Scheduled jobs list, and will run on the scheduled day at the scheduled time.
Note: You can see the Next run information when you click Show preview.
Tip: Go to the Job activity page to view which jobs have run recently on the server.