Bootstrap.xml file
The bootstrap configuration file contains the basic information that Spotfire Server requires to start, so that it can connect to the Spotfire database and retrieve its configuration.
The bootstrap configuration file is created by running the bootstrap command (or using the configuration tool) . The file must be created in the <installation dir>\tomcat\webapps\spotfire\WEB-INF directory (Windows) or the <installation dir>/tomcat/webapps/spotfire/WEB-INF directory (Linux). When specifying an alternative bootstrap configuration file path to the bootstrap command, the generated file must be manually copied to this directory before it can be accessed by the server. The file must also be named bootstrap.xml.
- The
section.This section is required for running the server. The password is used to connect to the database. It is saved encrypted in the file.
Note: The password is not related to any administrator user account within the server application itself. - The
section.This section is optional and not required for running the server itself. It is only required for using the configuration commands to access the database. If you do not want to use the commands on a specific server, they can easily be disabled by removing this section for that server.
The database password stored in this section is protected by a special configuration tool password that is specified when creating the bootstrap.xml file. This tool password must be specified whenever running a command that accesses the database.Note: The tool password is not related to any administrator user account within the server application itself. - The
section.This section contains the server alias, which is used for identifying the server, for example when specifying server-specific configuration.
- The
section.This section contains the id, which is used for identifying the server.
- The
section.This section is optional. If specified, it contains a password to be used for encrypting other passwords that are stored in the database. If not set, a static password is used.Note: The same password must be configured for all servers in a cluster.