Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration

Library compression configuration properties

By default, library items created by users of the installed Spotfire client or the web client, or items that are imported into the Spotfire library, are compressed using the gzip format. This design provides an efficient use of library space, whether the library is stored in the Spotfire database or if you are using external storage. You can change the defaults to meet your specific library needs, including disabling compression altogether.

The default configuration is designed to provide the best compression-to-performance ratio; however, you might need to change the default configuration to best suit your storage and retrieval needs. To set any of these configuration properties, use the command-line command set-config-prop, passing in the property name and value.

Property name Description Default
activities.cleanup-interval-seconds Specifies the interval, in seconds, before the system checks long-running activities for termination. 3600
activities.compression.max-concurrent Specifies the maximum number of concurrent compression or uncompression activities to run across the cluster.

Set the property to 0 to disable background compression and only compress new items: activities.compression.max-concurrent=0.

activities.compression.max-execution-time-seconds Specifies the duration, in seconds, before compression activities should be terminated and the operation is listed as failed. 600
activities.max-threads Specifies the maximum number of threads to allocate for all background running activities in a given Spotfire Server node. 10
activities.prune-tasks-older-than-seconds Specifies the duration, in seconds, for pruning activities to complete. (Can result in success, failed, or terminated) 86400
activities.uncompression.max-execution-time-seconds Specifies the duration, in seconds, before uncompression activities should be terminated and the operation is listed as failed. 600
library.compressed-content.compression-level Specifies the level of compression. Can be set to a value from 1 to 9, inclusive, with 1 being the best for speed and 9 being the best for compression. The default uses the compression level provided by the operating system that hosts Spotfire Server. -1
library.compressed-content.enabled Specifies whether content compression is enabled. true
library.compressed-content.disabled-lib-types.type Specified the library types for which library compression should be switched off. (None)
library.compression.migration.batch Specifies the number of library items to compress in the current batch. 1000
library.compression.migration.wait Specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, to wait before pulling the next batch to process.

When the maximum number of compression or uncompression activities are running (specified by activities.compression.max-concurrent), indicates how long time to wait before trying again.

library.digest-verification.enabled Specifies that the verification check is run on the digest of library contents when it is loaded or unloaded from the database or external storage. true

Additionally, the command-line command export-library-content has the optional parameter compressed-content, with the default of true, which specifies whether library content should be compressed when exported. You can set this option to false to import content to an earlier release of Spotfire, where compressed content is not supported.