Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration

Routing rules

A routing rule specifies the resource pool on which an analysis opens. You can create routing rules to set a resource pool on which to open analyses that are requested by members of a specific group, or by a specific user. You can also set a resource pool for a specific analysis, regardless of who requests it.

You can use routing rules to fine-tune resource management, but their use is optional.

Specific reasons for creating routing rules could include the following:
  • Define an exclusive resource pool for a critical analysis so that it can be updated and viewed without interference from other analyses and user requests.
  • Define a resource pool for analyses with specific resource requirements (for example, higher RAM requirements only available in some Web Player instances).
  • Define different resource pools with different priorities and resources to provide better quality of service for some specific users or groups.
  • Define a resource pool for users who are trying out a new version of Spotfire.
  • Define a resource pool for developing or testing an analysis that is not yet verified and may require too many resources, so it does not affect other users.
  • Use it together with schedule updates to preload an analysis on one or several Spotfire Web Player instances to handle a large number of users.