Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration

Spotfire Server public APIs

Spotfire Server offers several application programming interfaces (APIs) for building custom applications that interact with Spotfire Server.

The latest API documentation is available at, or, if you are looking for API documentation for a specific Spotfire version, at

You might also be interested in the Spotfire community page about Extending Spotfire.

Spotfire Server REST APIs

All of the current APIs use OAuth 2.0 for authentication and authorization.

Besides being available as HTML documents on the Spotfire documentation web site, the REST APIs can also be browsed with Swagger UI on your Spotfire server, provided that online API documentation is enabled. See Configure Spotfire Server APIs for more information about enabling or disabling the API documentation.

To open the Swagger UI on your server, add /spotfire/api/swagger-ui.html to the end of your server path. For example:

You can select which of the REST APIs to look at from the Select a spec drop-down list at the top right part of the Swagger UI.

You can also download the OAS (Open API Specification) definition of the REST APIs from your Spotfire server using the following path example:<group-name>

where <group-name> is one of the available APIs that you can find in the drop-down list of the Swagger UI. This can be used for creating client stubs.

Before you can use any of the APIs, you must first Register an OAuth 2.0 API client.

Note: To use SOAP APIs you must also generate client proxies.
Note: Most of the SOAP APIs are deprecated and will be removed in a future version. If possible, use the REST APIs instead.

You can change API configuration settings on the server, if desired. See Configuring Spotfire Server REST APIs for more information.