Spotfire Server and Environment - Quick Start


Configures the user action database logger.

[-c value | --configuration=value]  
[-b value | --bootstrap-config=value] 
[-d value | --database-url=value] 
[-u value | --username=value] 
[-p value | --password=value] 


Use this command to configure the user action database logger.


Option Optional or Required Default Value Description
-c value
Optional configuration.xml The path to the server configuration file.
-b value
Optional none The path to the bootstrap configuration file. See Bootstrap.xml file for more information about this file.
Optional none The name of the JDBC driver class.
-d value
Optional none The JDBC URL to the database. Because this argument usually contains special characters, be sure to escape those characters or enclose the values between quotes.
-u value
Optional none The database account username.
-p value
Optional none The database account password.
Optional none The frequency (in seconds) that log events should be committed from the queue to the database when the queue is not full.
Optional none The time (in milliseconds) to wait before retrying to place a new log event on the queue after being rejected by a full queue.
Optional none Sets the time (in milliseconds) to wait before trying to create a batch from the queue after an empty queue has been encountered.
Optional none The grace period for the database logger (in seconds). This is the period that the database logger is given at server shutdown to move all items from the queue to the database.
Optional 48 hours The maximum time (in hours) that logged items are kept in the database. Pruning takes place at server startup, and then at one hour intervals, when all items older than the here-specified number of hours are deleted. To disable pruning, set this argument to 0.
Optional none The maximum number of log events in the queue.
Optional none The number of log events that should be moved from the queue to the database in each batch insert.
Optional none The number of threads available for the batch insert workers.
Optional none The maximum number of batch insert workers at any given time.
Optional none Specifies whether placing a log event on the queue should be allowed to be blocked indefinitely if the queue is full.
Optional none A comma-separated list of log categories that should have higher priority in the queue.
Optional none The length of time monitoring entries should be saved before they get crunched into averages.
Optional none The period between two averaged measurements.
Optional If "false", or not set, timestamps will be in UTC time. Sets whether timestamps should be in local time or not.