Options - Documents: Workspaces

In the Options dialog box, select the Workspaces tab (located under Documents) to customize various defaults for workspaces.

Option Description
Open all previously open Workspaces on Statistica startup Select this check box to automatically open all workspaces that were open the last time you exited the program; clear this check box if you do not want to open a workspace by default when starting Statistica.
By default, Data Source Nodes will embed their attached document on saving This option determines whether the actual data in data sources are stored along with workspaces, or whether only a reference to the data source is saved.

If you want to exchange workspace projects with other users on other machines, consider embedding the actual data into the data mining project so that the recipient of the project does not need to set up a directory structure identical to yours (to properly reference the data sources). Alternatively, for very large data sources, embedding the actual raw data into the project requires a lot of extra storage.

Note: Remote databases for in-place processing. Statistica and Statistica Data Miner can process remote databases in place; the previously described option (By default, Data Source Nodes...) is not applicable to those data sources (the option is disabled in this case).
By default, Results Nodes will embed their attached document on saving This option determines whether the actual results documents (spreadsheets, graphs) are stored along with the workspaces, or whether only references to the results nodes are saved (see also the previous option pertaining to data sources).

If you want to exchange completed analyses (for instance, to include the actual results) with other users on other machines, it might be advantageous to embed the actual results spreadsheets, graphs, into the project.

Show fixed toolbar at the top of Workspace windows Select this check box to display the toolbar at the top of each workspace; this toolbar is also usually displayed by default at the top of the Statistica application window when a workspace is active (when the document in the foreground of the application).

Therefore, you might want to turn off the toolbars for individual workspaces by clearing this check box.

Automatically connect the currently selected node to new nodes When this check box is selected and a node is selected in a workspace, the next node added to the workspace is automatically connected to the selected node.
Use advanced software rendering (GDI+) for drawing Workspace elements Select this check box to enhance the workspace items.
Use modern UI for editing scripted nodes
Query Timeout (In-Database Analytics)
Node Browser File Selects the location of your Node Browser configuration file (NodeBrowser.xml). This file contains the configurations for the Node Browser, for designing data mining projects (in the project workspace). Refer to the Statistica Data Miner documentation for details regarding Node Browser configurations. This option is useful when you want to share specific Node Browser configurations (available, for example, at other locations on a network) with other users.
Default Color Scheme Use the options in this group box to customize the default colors that are used in the workspace.
  • Click the Background arrow to display a palette of colors from which to choose a default background color for the workspace.
  • Click the More Colors button on this palette to display a standard Color dialog box, where you can create custom colors.
  • Click the Text arrow to display a palette of colors from which to choose a default text color for the workspace.
  • Click the More Colors button on this palette to display a standard Color dialog box, where you can create custom colors.
Dirty Nodes Displays a palette of colors from which to choose the default color that identifies dirty nodes in the workspace. Throughout Statistica , the documentation and program refers to dirty nodes as those that have not been updated with the most current data or parameter specifications. Refer to The General Architecture of Statistica Data Miner for details.

Dirty nodes in the workspace are marked by the color of the text under the node. For example, suppose somewhere in the workspace, a data source A is connected to a node B, and the link is updated. If you now change any selections in data source A, such as selecting a different set of predictors, then all down-stream nodes would be dirty, and displayed with the text in the color specified in the Dirty Nodes option.

Report Connections
  • Click the Report Connections arrow to display a palette of colors from which to choose a default color for the arrow heads in the workspace, for arrows connecting nodes to results icons.
  • Click the More Colors button on this palette to display a standard Color dialog box, where you can create custom colors.
Other Connections
  • Click the Other Connections arrow to display a palette of colors from which to choose a default color for arrow heads depicting connections - other than results connections - between nodes in a workspace.
  • Click the More Colors button on this palette to display a standard Color dialog box, where you can create custom colors.
Association Connections Displays a palette of colors used for system created, non-executable paths such as PMML nodes and rules outputs.
Restore Defaults Returns the options on the Workspaces tab to their default values.
Report Node Routing The options in this group box determine the types of results documents produced by analysis nodes.
Individual Workbook Nodes Places results spreadsheets, graphs, into individual workbook nodes for each analysis.

You can manually connect results arrows in the workspace so that multiple analyses (different analysis nodes) place their results into a shared workbook.

Individual Nodes Creates individual results nodes for each graph, spreadsheet, produced by an analytic node in the workspace. When large numbers of results documents are created, this setting is not recommended.
Report Node Directs all results from an analytic node to a report. By default, each analytic node creates its own report window.
Single Common Workbook Node Places all results spreadsheets, graphs, into a single workbook. Hence, this (default) setting is a very efficient way to manage large amount of results tables and graphs.