Variance Components and Mixed Model ANOVA Startup Panel - Quick Tab

Select the Quick tab of the Variance Components and Mixed Model ANOVA/ANCOVA Startup Panel to access options to specify the variables for the analysis.

See also the Variance Components and Mixed Model ANOVA/ANCOVA Index, Overviews, and Examples.

Click the Variables button to display the standard variable selection dialog box, in which the variables for the analysis can be specified. From the first list, select the dependent variable(s) for the analysis. Note that subsets of the selected dependent variables can later be specified for analysis on the Variance Components and Mixed Model ANOVA/ANCOVA Results dialog box, so you can select a larger set of dependent variables here. From the second list, select any factors for random effects in the analysis. From the third list, select any factors for fixed effects in the analysis. From the fourth list, select any covariates to be included in the analysis.

Note: missing data. If multiple dependent variables are selected for the analysis, STATISTICA will apply casewise deletion of missing data; that is, cases or runs will be deleted from the analysis if there are missing data for any of the dependent variables specified for the analysis. Thus, be careful when there are missing data present in your dependent variables; the results for those variables without missing data may not be based on all available information (namely, those runs where some other dependent variable had missing data were dropped from the analysis).