Factor Analysis Results
Principal Components and Factor Analysis
Click the OK button in the Define Method of Factor Extraction dialog box to display the Factor Analysis Results dialog box, which contains five tabs: Quick, Explained variance, Loadings, Scores, and Descriptives. The Quick tab provides the most commonly used options, while the remaining tabs provide options that make it possible for you to explore the results of your analyses in more detail. See Methods for Factor Analysis to view a list of related statistical procedures.
- Summary box
- The Summary box at the top of the dialog box displays a general summary of the current analysis.
Copy button. Click the Copy button to copy either the selected text (if text has been selected) in the Summary box or all of the text (if no text has been selected) to the Clipboard. Note that the copied text retains formatting information (such as font, color, etc.).
Contract/Expand button
- Click the Contract/Expand button to contract or expand the Summary box. When contracted, you can see only one line of the Summary box text and can scroll through the text using a scroll bar. Note that when contracted the text is scrolled so that the first non-blank line is at the top. When expanded (the default setting), the entire Summary box will be displayed in the Factor Analysis Results dialog box.
- Summary
- Click the Summary button to produce a spreadsheet with the current
factor loadings.
Cancel. Click the Cancel button to return to the Define Method of Factor Extraction dialog box.
Options. Click the Options button to display the Options menu.