Options - Server/Web

In the Options dialog box, select the Server/Web tab to access options to configure the built-in web browser and enable or control the operation of Statistica Enterprise Server integration with Statistica.

Statistica Enterprise Server extends the capabilities of the Statistica platform, turning several stand-alone workstations into a powerful, enterprise-wide collaborative-intelligence system. For an overview of Statistica Enterprise Server technology and a description of advantages that it provides, see Web Enablement - Statistica Enterprise Server.

One of the key features of Statistica Enterprise Server's client-server architecture is that it enables users to utilize server-side resources to run multiple, possibly time-consuming or repetitive statistical analyses (offload tasks to the server), while at the same time freeing the local system for other tasks that require users' immediate attention.

This can be achieved either using a Web browser (thin client) or desktop version of Statistica (thick client, Statistica Enterprise Server client). While the former allows access to Statistica Enterprise Server from a browser, the latter requires Statistica installation on the user’s workstation. Statistica Enterprise Server's tight integration with the Statistica application provides common user experience and workflow for both client and server-side operations, a generally more feature-rich and responsive user interface and all the additional components and tools of desktop Statistica.

Option Description
Enable Statistica Enterprise Server Integration Select this check box to enable optional integration with Statistica Enterprise Server. When you click the OK button to apply the changes, the Server menu is displayed next to the Format menu in Statistica (classic menus), and the Server tab is displayed next to the Home tab (ribbon bar).
Server Location This group box contains the following four options.
Use Custom Settings Select this check box to modify server location components. Enable this mode only if specifically instructed to do so by your network administrator.
Enable Integrated Login If this feature is supported and enabled on the server, selecting this check box enables seamless authentication to Statistica Enterprise Server without a prompt for your credentials. Otherwise, you need to enter your user name and password when logging on to Statistica Enterprise Server.
Login on startup Select this check box to automatically log on to Statistica Enterprise Server on startup. Depending on the Enable Integrated Login setting, you might be prompted for server-side credentials.
Host/Port/Site/Extensions This set of edit boxes represents the server location on the internet or local intranet. The only required parameter is the network path to the server (Host), which is a domain name or a UNC server name (such as Statistica enterpriseserver.companyname.com or \\intranet-server without backslash symbols). The rest of these settings are usually left to their default values. To modify Port/Site/Extensions, select the Use Custom Settings check box. Ask your network administrator for these values.
Dashboard Sever URL Ask your network administrator for this value.
Network Analytics Server URL This address is the server location on the internet or local intranet where Network Analytics opens when you click the Network Analytics button on the ribbon. The default URL for Network Analytics application is http://localhost:2480/index.html.
Spark Livy Server This has the following two options.
Use custom Spark Livy server If Statistica Enterprise is installed, this checkmark is unchecked by default and you do not have to enter a URL in the next field. If you are a local user, this checkmark is checked by default, and you need to add a URL in the next field.

Livy/Scala integration with Spark requires the following:

  • Java: server version 1.7+
  • Hadoop: 1 or 2
  • Spark: 1.6+ (Livy server 0.2.0 for Spark 1.x and Livy server 0.3.0 for Spark 2.x)
URL Local users must enter the URL for the Spark Livy server that enables communication with Spark. Ask your network administrator for this value.