Summary of Settings

This dialog box, accessible by clicking the Summary of settings button on the Axis: General tab of Graph Options dialog box, provides a summary of the current axis selections. You can select or clear axis settings here as well as on the appropriate tab of the Graph Options dialog box. When you are finished selecting settings, click Close.

The options in this group box are also available in the Graph Options dialog box. They affect the general appearance of the currently selected axis.
Axis line
When the Axis line check box is selected, an axis line will be displayed for the axis currently selected on the Axis: General tab of the Graph Options dialog box. Clear this check box to prevent the axis line from being displayed.
Axis title
When the Axis title check box is selected, an axis title will be displayed for the axis currently selected on the Axis: Title tab of the Graph Options dialog box. Clear this check box to prevent the axis title from being displayed.
The options in this group box affect the display of tickmarks for major units, minor units, and custom units. To show tickmarks for Major units, Minor units, or Custom units, select the appropriate check box. Clearing the check boxes will prevent the display of tickmarks. More options for tickmarks for each type of unit are available in the Graph Options dialog box. See Axis: Major Units, Axis: Minor Units, and Axis: Custom Units.
The options in this group box affect the display of grid lines for major units, minor units, and custom units. To show grid lines for Major units, Minor units, or Custom units, select the appropriate check box. Clearing the check boxes will prevent the display of grid lines. More options for grid lines for each type of unit are available in the Graph Options dialog box. See Axis: Major Units, Axis: Minor Units, and Axis: Custom Units.
Scale values
The options in this group box affect the type of scale value shown on the selected axis. More options are available on the Scale Values tab of the Graph Options dialog box.
If you select the Automatic check box, Statistica will automatically format and display numeric scale values for you.
Text labels
If you want Text Labels as scale value labels, select this check box.