Weibull & Reliability/Failure Time Analysis - Grouped Data Tab
Select the Grouped data tab of the Weibull & Reliability/Failure Time Analysis dialog to access options to specify the variables for the Weibull analysis & reliability/failure time analysis, when the input data are already tabulated (grouped data; see the Introductory Overview ). Statistica expects as input a table (the same type of input that can be used for life table analyses in the Survival Analysis module) specified in three variables (one variable containing the lower interval boundaries, a second variable containing the number of observations censored in the respective interval, and a third variable containing the number of observations failing in the respective interval. Then specify the Number (of observations) entering the first interval, and click OK to estimate the parameters of the Weibull distribution. Note that two different methods of parameter estimation are available. You can either treat the data as continuous data (with all failures and censoring occurring at the respective interval mid-points), or you can use weighted least squares methods to estimate the parameters directly from the grouped data (i.e., without first "expanding" the table into continuous data). See Method of parameter estimation below for further information.
For related procedures, see also the Survival Analysis module.