AMS 1.5.0 and higher supports data backup using the ams-server --backup command option.
The AMS server must be stopped before performing a backup. The backup itself performs the following:
Reads the configuration from the AMS configuration files. Specifically, the database section which defines the AMS data source.
Performs the upgrade and migration. This ensures the AMS data is compatible with the running AMS version.
Creates the backup directory you specify using the ams-server --backup command option.
The backup file generated by the backup process is placed in this directory.
The filename format is: AMS-<year-month-day-hour-minute-second>.json. Example: AMS-2019-04-09-13-48-27.json
Writes the Data Version to the backup file. This field specifies the AMS version of the data sets.
The AMS data sets (all except those containing migration/upgrade state) have their records written to the backup file.
The log shows the data set name and number of records written to the backup file.
The data sets contain: Column Types and Array of Records. All data set records are written to the Array of Records. When the a data set has no records, the Array of Records is empty.
Once all data sets are backed-up, the AMS upgrade/migrate/backup processing is terminated.
The backup does not affect any existing AMS data, so the AMS server can be re-started once the process is complete.
Any Database, File, or JSON errors result in the backup process terminating immediately. This will not affect the state of the AMS data.