Class QueryListenerWrapper

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Query, QueryListener, Closeable, AutoCloseable, EventListener

    public class QueryListenerWrapper
    extends Object
    implements QueryListener, Query
    This class is used by LiveViewMultiConnectionImpl to wrap BOTH the queryListener that the user passes in to an execQuery, AND the Query that is passed back to him. We need the former so that we can intercept the close command that comes from the server going down -- we don't actually close the query, we just save it so that it can be failed over to a new server. We need to wrap the Query so that we can intercept with the client calls close on his own. In that case, we want to actually close the query, plus we want to remove this query from our list of ones that need to be reconnected to any new server.
    • Method Detail

      • getConfig

        public QueryConfig getConfig()
        Description copied from interface: Query
        Returns a QueryConfig object that contains fully parsed pieces like table, predicate, groupByExprs, etc. as well as the query string.
        Specified by:
        getConfig in interface Query
        the config
      • snapshotBegin

        public void snapshotBegin​(BeginSnapshotEvent event)
        Description copied from interface: QueryListener
        Event to indicate the start of the result snapshot. This is the first method called when a query starts returning results, but this method is also called to indicate a reset (a complete restart of the query.)
        Specified by:
        snapshotBegin in interface QueryListener
        event - snapshot begin
      • exceptionRaised

        public void exceptionRaised​(QueryExceptionEvent event)
        Description copied from interface: QueryListener
        Event when an exception occurs during the query. Since 1.3, reaching the row limit is considered an exception.
        Specified by:
        exceptionRaised in interface QueryListener
        event - exception event
      • getFields

        public List<Schema.Field> getFields()
        Description copied from interface: Query
        Returns a list describing the fields of the tuples that will be returned by this Query. An empty list may be returned if the result fields are unknown.
        Specified by:
        getFields in interface Query
        The fields describing the tuples that will be returned.
      • getKeyFields

        public List<Schema.Field> getKeyFields()
        Description copied from interface: Query
        Returns a list of fields describing the primary key for this table. These fields will come from the same schema as getFields, which come from the schema used to create tuples when they arrive, so they will be suitable for calling getXxx against the tuple.
        Specified by:
        getKeyFields in interface Query
        The fields describing the key of the tuples returned, or null if the key is simply a Long that is not part of the data record.
      • close

        public void close()
        Description copied from interface: Query
        Closes the client and server resources associated with this Query. This call may block while it connects to the server to unregister the query.
        Specified by:
        close in interface AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface Closeable
        Specified by:
        close in interface Query
      • isOpen

        public boolean isOpen()
        Description copied from interface: Query
        If this is false, either you've already gotten a QueryClosed event or you're about to get one.
        Specified by:
        isOpen in interface Query
        Query is still active and might return data.
      • getQueryId

        public short getQueryId()
        Description copied from interface: Query
        This will match the queryId on the events.
        Specified by:
        getQueryId in interface Query
        the query ID for the query.
      • getRealQuery

        public Query getRealQuery()
      • setRealQuery

        public void setRealQuery​(Query realQuery)
        realQuery - the realQuery to set
      • getSchema

        public Schema getSchema()
        Getter for the Schema for the query.
      • setSchema

        public void setSchema​(Schema schema)
        Setter for the Schema for the query.
        schema - the Schema to set