Backing Up Data

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AMS 1.5.0 and higher supports data backup using the ams-server --backup command option.

The AMS server must be stopped before performing a backup. The backup itself performs the following:

  • Reads the configuration from the AMS configuration files. Specifically, the database section which defines the AMS data source.

  • Performs the upgrade and migration. This ensures the AMS data is compatible with the running AMS version.

  • Creates the backup directory you specify using the ams-server --backup command option.

    • The backup file generated by the backup process is placed in this directory.

    • The filename format is: AMS-<year-month-day-hour-minute-second>.json. Example: AMS-2019-04-09-13-48-27.json

  • Writes the Data Version to the backup file. This field specifies the AMS version of the data sets.

    • The AMS data sets (all except those containing migration/upgrade state) have their records written to the backup file.

    • The log shows the data set name and number of records written to the backup file.

    • The data sets contain: Column Types and Array of Records. All data set records are written to the Array of Records. When the a data set has no records, the Array of Records is empty.

  • Once all data sets are backed-up, the AMS upgrade/migrate/backup processing is terminated.

The backup does not affect any existing AMS data, so the AMS server can be re-started once the process is complete.

Any Database, File, or JSON errors result in the backup process terminating immediately. This will not affect the state of the AMS data.