New and Noteworthy in AMS 1.6.0

Table of Contents
New Features
Changes in Functionality
Deprecated Features
Migration and Compatibility
Known Limitations
Closed Issues

This topic summarizes the history of significant changes in TIBCO® Artifact Management Server release 1.6.0, including features, enhancements, and corrections.

New Features

AMS Now Built on Java 11

AMS is now built on JDK 11, replacing JDK 8. As a result, the ams-server script that starts AMS and checks the JDK version will now only support Java 11. Releases prior to 1.6.0 could be run using JDK 8 or 11.

Logging in Docker Containers Now Enhanced

AMS now includes support for dynamically changing the log level of AMS in a Docker container. See this page for details.

Changes in Functionality


Deprecated Features


Migration and Compatibility

Logging Format Now Changed

As of Release 1.6.0, AMS uses the Logback logging framework, replacing SLF4J. See this page for details.

API Changed

The REST API documentation changed, in the Swagger page, to more accurately represent the request and response models of some end-points. These changes had no affect on the request or response payloads, so backward compatibility is maintained. See this page for API changes in Release 1.6.0.

Functional changes were also made to support:

  • Requests containing the content-type when adding and importing and updating an artifact: The AMS server defaults the content-type when not specified, either by: using the artifact-type or inspecting the artifact's content when the artifact-type is OTHER.

  • Responses containing the contentType when an artifact revision or checked-out artifact is in the response.

Known Limitations


Closed Issues

This release resolves several internal limitations; these are not user-visible.