Class CompositeQueryListener

    • Constructor Detail

      • CompositeQueryListener

        public CompositeQueryListener​(QueryListener... listeners)
        Create the composite listener with one or more child listeners.
        listeners - A list of listeners
    • Method Detail

      • tupleAdded

        public void tupleAdded​(TupleAddedEvent event)
        Event when a new tuple is added to the result.
        Specified by:
        tupleAdded in interface QueryListener
        event - add event
      • tupleUpdated

        public void tupleUpdated​(TupleUpdatedEvent event)
        Event when an existing tuple in the result is updated.
        Specified by:
        tupleUpdated in interface QueryListener
        event - update event
      • tupleRemoved

        public void tupleRemoved​(TupleRemovedEvent event)
        Event when an existing tuple is removed from the result.
        Specified by:
        tupleRemoved in interface QueryListener
        event - remove event
      • snapshotBegin

        public void snapshotBegin​(BeginSnapshotEvent event)
        Event to indicate the start of the result snapshot. This is the first method called when a query starts returning results, but this method is also called to indicate a reset (a complete restart of the query.)
        Specified by:
        snapshotBegin in interface QueryListener
        event - snapshot begin
      • snapshotEnd

        public void snapshotEnd​(EndSnapshotEvent event)
        Event to indicate the query snapshot is complete.
        Specified by:
        snapshotEnd in interface QueryListener
        event - snapshot end
      • exceptionRaised

        public void exceptionRaised​(QueryExceptionEvent event)
        Event when an exception occurs during the query. Since 1.3, reaching the row limit is considered an exception.
        Specified by:
        exceptionRaised in interface QueryListener
        event - exception event
      • queryClosed

        public void queryClosed​(QueryClosedEvent event)
        Event when a query being listened to is closed.
        Specified by:
        queryClosed in interface QueryListener
        event - query closed event