Interface TablePublisher

  • All Superinterfaces:
    AutoCloseable, Closeable

    public interface TablePublisher
    extends Closeable
    An instance of a publisher for publishing tuples into a table. A publisher can be used to publish new or updated tuples to a table. The server determines if the tuple is new or updated based on the table's primary key. A publisher is created from Table.getTablePublisher(String) where a publisher name is specified. Tuples published will include the name of the publisher and the specified sequenceNumber for tracking and recoverability purposes.
    • Field Detail


        static final int PUBLISH_BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT
        The default number of tuples buffered on the client side before publishing to the server. Value 100.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final TimeUnit PUBLISH_INTERVAL_TIME_UNIT_DEFAULT
        Default publish interval units: TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.
    • Method Detail

      • getSchema

        Schema getSchema()
        Schema needed to create tuples for the publish method. This schema does not include any internal fields maintained by LiveView. It will only be the necessary data fields of the table.
        the schema
      • publish

        void publish​(long sequenceNumber,
                     Tuple tuple)
              throws LiveViewException
        Publish a tuple with a sequenceNumber. There are no specific requirements on sequenceNumber, but it can be used as a mechanism for recovery, so a monotonically increasing number is recommended such that the server, on recovery, can report what the last successfully published sequence number was per named publisher. With this approach, a publisher only needs to re-publish tuples starting from the last reported successful published sequenceNumber in LiveView.
        sequenceNumber - the identifier known to the publisher
        tuple - the tuple to publish
        LiveViewException - if any server side exception occurs during publishing
      • publish

        void publish​(long sequenceNumber,
                     Boolean CQSDelete,
                     Tuple tuple)
              throws LiveViewException
        Publish a tuple with a sequenceNumber. If CQSDelete is true, the row that matches the primary key values set in the tuple will be deleted.
        sequenceNumber - the identifier known to the publisher
        CQSDelete - - true if you wish to delete the row defined by the primary key values
        tuple - the tuple to publish. If CQSDelete is true the row which matches the primary key values is removed.
        LiveViewException - if any server side exception occurs during publishing
      • publish

        void publish​(Tuple tuple)
              throws LiveViewException
        Publish a tuple without regard for recovering since no sequence number is specified.
        tuple - the tuple to publish
        LiveViewException - if any server side exception occurs during publishing
      • publish

        void publish​(Boolean CQSDelete,
                     Tuple tuple)
              throws LiveViewException
        Publish a tuple without regard for recovering since no sequence number is specified. If CQSDelete is true, the row that matches the primary key values set in the tuple will be deleted.
        CQSDelete - true if you wish to delete the row defined by the primary key values
        tuple - the tuple to publish. If CQSDelete is true the row which matches the primary key values is removed.
        LiveViewException - if any server side exception occurs during publishing
      • flush

        void flush()
            throws LiveViewException
        Force the currently buffered tuples to be sent to the server. This method blocks while flushing occurs.
      • close

        void close()
        Closes client and server resources held by the publisher
        Specified by:
        close in interface AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface Closeable