Class ByteArrayView

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    CloneableData, Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable<ByteArrayView>

    public abstract class ByteArrayView
    extends Object
    implements Serializable, Comparable<ByteArrayView>, Cloneable, CloneableData
    This class represents a StreamBase blob. Please read the following class documentation and method javadoc carefully as care must be taken when manipulating blobs represented by a ByteArrayView in a running application.

    ByteArrayView provides an immutable window onto a byte[] or a part of one, specified with an offset and length. It provides convenience routines to create new windows on the current view as either ByteArrayViews or ByteBuffers.

    Only the copy() methods copy the underlying data, so changes in the parent byte[] will be reflected in the view's results

    Note: The ByteArrayView and its underlying Blob object should not be modified in-place by a StreamBase application. Modifying a Blob may introduce race conditions. If you do need to modify a Blob's data, create a new Blob or ByteArrayView object to receive the result. Use copy methods such as copyBytes(), and create a new ByteArrayView with makeView(byte[]) and return it when needed.

    Note: Serializations of instances of this class that are created (e.g., by using ObjectOutputStream) in one version of StreamBase in general will not be deserializable in any other version of StreamBase.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      abstract byte[] array()
      Returns a reference to the backing array for this view.
      String asString()
      Convert byte array to a string
      ByteArrayView clone()
      Implement Object.clone, which just delegates to ByteArrayView.copy().
      int compareTo​(ByteArrayView rhs)
      compare this ByteArrayView to another lexigraphically NB: no data is copied when doing this
      abstract ByteArrayView copy()
      Create a new ByteArrayView which wraps a new byte[] containing a copy of this view's data NB: this method copies the underlying data
      abstract ByteArrayView copy​(int offset, int length)
      Create a new ByteArrayView which wraps a new byte[] containing a copy of this view's data NB: this method copies the underlying data
      abstract byte[] copyBytes()
      Create a new byte[] containing a copy of this view's data.
      abstract byte[] copyBytes​(int offset, int length)
      Create a new byte[] containing a copy of this view's data within the provided window.
      boolean equals​(Object obj)
      Check if two ByteArrayViews are byte-for-byte identical NB: this may devolve to a byte by byte comparison
      byte get​(int pos)
      Get byte as specified position
      int hashCode()  
      abstract int length()
      return the length of this view NB: no data is copied when doing this
      static ByteArrayView makeCopiedView​(byte[] bytes)
      Create a new ByteArrayView which wraps the entire provided byte[] (which is copied) NB: The bytes are copied
      static ByteArrayView makeCopiedView​(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)
      Create a new ByteArrayView which wraps the provided byte[] (which is copied) between offset and length from offset NB: The bytes are copied
      static ByteArrayView makeView​(byte[] bytes)
      Create a new ByteArrayView which wraps the entire provided byte[] NB: no data is copied when doing this
      static ByteArrayView makeView​(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)
      Create a new ByteArrayView which wraps the provided byte[] between offset and length from offset NB: no data is copied when doing this
      static ByteArrayView makeView​(String s)
      Create a new ByteArrayView which converts the provided string to bytes and wraps it.
      abstract int offset()
      return the offset into the backing array of this view NB: no data is copied when doing this
      abstract ByteArrayView slice​(int offset, int length)
      Create a new ByteArrayView which wraps a portion of this one NB: no data is copied when doing this
      String toString()
      Formats a ByteArrayView by printing out every byte as a char.
      abstract ByteBuffer view()
      Create a new ByteBuffer which wraps all of this one NB: no data is copied when doing this
      abstract ByteBuffer view​(int offset, int length)
      Create a new ByteBuffer which wraps a portion of this one NB: no data is copied when doing this
    • Constructor Detail

      • ByteArrayView

        public ByteArrayView()
    • Method Detail

      • makeView

        public static ByteArrayView makeView​(byte[] bytes)
        Create a new ByteArrayView which wraps the entire provided byte[] NB: no data is copied when doing this
        bytes - the data to be viewed
        the new ByteArrayView, null if bytes is null
      • makeView

        public static ByteArrayView makeView​(byte[] bytes,
                                             int offset,
                                             int length)
        Create a new ByteArrayView which wraps the provided byte[] between offset and length from offset NB: no data is copied when doing this
        bytes - the data to be viewed
        offset - the initial offset of the window
        length - the length of the window
        the new ByteArrayView, null if bytes is null
        IllegalArgumentException - if offset or length are negative
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset+length > bytes.length
      • makeCopiedView

        public static ByteArrayView makeCopiedView​(byte[] bytes)
        Create a new ByteArrayView which wraps the entire provided byte[] (which is copied) NB: The bytes are copied
        bytes - the data to be copied and viewed
        the new ByteArrayView, null if bytes is null
      • makeCopiedView

        public static ByteArrayView makeCopiedView​(byte[] bytes,
                                                   int offset,
                                                   int length)
        Create a new ByteArrayView which wraps the provided byte[] (which is copied) between offset and length from offset NB: The bytes are copied
        bytes - the data to be copied and viewed
        offset - the initial offset of the window
        length - the length of the window
        the new ByteArrayView, null if bytes is null
        IllegalArgumentException - if offset or length are negative
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset+length > bytes.length
      • makeView

        public static ByteArrayView makeView​(String s)
        Create a new ByteArrayView which converts the provided string to bytes and wraps it. NB: no data is copied when doing this
        s - the String to be viewed
        the new ByteArrayView, null if s is null
      • slice

        public abstract ByteArrayView slice​(int offset,
                                            int length)
        Create a new ByteArrayView which wraps a portion of this one NB: no data is copied when doing this
        offset - the initial offset of the window (relative to the current window)
        length - the length of the window
        the new ByteArrayView
        IllegalArgumentException - if offset or length are negative
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset+length > length()
      • view

        public abstract ByteBuffer view​(int offset,
                                        int length)
        Create a new ByteBuffer which wraps a portion of this one NB: no data is copied when doing this
        offset - the initial offset of the window (relative to the current window)
        length - the length of the window
        a ByteBuffer whose arrayOffset() and limit() are the offset and length provided
        IllegalArgumentException - if offset or length are negative
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset+length > length()
      • view

        public abstract ByteBuffer view()
        Create a new ByteBuffer which wraps all of this one NB: no data is copied when doing this
        a ByteBuffer whose arrayOffset() and limit() are the offset() and length() of this view
      • array

        public abstract byte[] array()
        Returns a reference to the backing array for this view. Note that the view might only be of a part of the returned array: this means you should only access the array between offsets offset() and offset() + length(). NB: no data is copied when doing this
        the backing array
      • offset

        public abstract int offset()
        return the offset into the backing array of this view NB: no data is copied when doing this
        the offset in bytes
      • length

        public abstract int length()
        return the length of this view NB: no data is copied when doing this
        the length in bytes
      • copyBytes

        public abstract byte[] copyBytes​(int offset,
                                         int length)
        Create a new byte[] containing a copy of this view's data within the provided window. The returned array may be indexed from 0, unlike array(). NB: this method copies the underlying data
        offset - the initial offset of the window (relative to the current window)
        length - the length of the window
        the new byte[]
        IllegalArgumentException - if offset or length are negative
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset+length > length()
      • copyBytes

        public abstract byte[] copyBytes()
        Create a new byte[] containing a copy of this view's data. The returned array may be indexed from 0, unlike array(). NB: this method copies the underlying data
        a new byte[] containing a copy of this view's data
      • compareTo

        public int compareTo​(ByteArrayView rhs)
        compare this ByteArrayView to another lexigraphically NB: no data is copied when doing this
        Specified by:
        compareTo in interface Comparable<ByteArrayView>
        rhs - The right hand side of this comparison
        < 0 if this is less than
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object obj)
        Check if two ByteArrayViews are byte-for-byte identical NB: this may devolve to a byte by byte comparison
        equals in class Object
        obj - The right hand side of this comparison
        true if the two views are equal, false otherwise
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • get

        public byte get​(int pos)
        Get byte as specified position
        pos - Position to access
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Formats a ByteArrayView by printing out every byte as a char. If this ByteArrayView is larger than 16 bytes, only 13 characters will be printed an an ellipsis ("...") will be appended.
        toString in class Object
      • asString

        public final String asString()
        Convert byte array to a string