Interface SBServerManager

    • Method Detail

      • getEnqueuer

        Enqueuer getEnqueuer​(String path)
                      throws StreamBaseException
        Get the Tuple enqueue object for a stream
        path - the path to the stream. If this is not a full dotted path, assumes the stream has the given name and is in the default container.
        Tuple enqueue object
        StreamBaseException - Error getting Tuple enqueue object
      • getDequeuer

        Dequeuer getDequeuer​(String path)
                      throws StreamBaseException
        Get the Tuple dequeue object for a stream
        path - the path to the stream. If this is not a full dotted path, assumes the stream has the given name and is in the default container.
        Tuple dequeue object
        StreamBaseException - Error getting Tuple dequeue object
      • loadApp

        void loadApp​(String fullyQualifiedModuleName)
              throws StreamBaseException
        Load a module into the default container. The StreamBase Engine must be started prior to his call. Note that the module container will not be started (and thus no enqueues can be made to it) until a call to startContainers() (or similar methods) is made.

        The module must specified as a fully qualified module name, for example com.tibco.sample.myModule. The module is resolved using the StreamBase Engine's class path.

        fullyQualifiedModuleName - A fully qualified module name
        StreamBaseException - Error loading module
        10.0 application argument must be a fully qualified module name
        See Also:
        startServer(), startContainers()
      • loadApp

        void loadApp​(String fullyQualifiedModuleName,
                     String container)
              throws StreamBaseException
        Load a module into the specified container. The StreamBase Engine must be started prior to his call. Note that the module container will not be started (and thus no enqueues can be made to it) until a call to startContainers() (or similar methods) is made.

        The module must specified as a fully qualified module name, for example com.tibco.sample.myModule. The module is resolved using the StreamBase Engine's class path.

        fullyQualifiedModuleName - A fully qualified module name
        container - The container name
        StreamBaseException - Error loading module
        10.0 application argument must be a fully qualified module name
        See Also:
        startServer(), startContainers()
      • loadAppString

        void loadAppString​(String appString,
                           String container)
                    throws StreamBaseException
        Load an application (from a String) into the specified container. The StreamBase Engine must be started prior to his call. Note that the application container will not be started (and thus no enqueues can be made to it) until a call to startContainers() (or similar methods) is made.
        appString - A string which contains the text of an application (Eventflow or SSQL).
        container - The container name
        StreamBaseException - on failure to load the given application
        See Also:
        startServer(), startContainers()
      • loadDeploy

        void loadDeploy​(String deployFile)
                 throws StreamBaseException
        Load the given StreamBase deployment file. The StreamBase Engine must be started prior to this call. Note that the application containers will not be started until a call to startContainers() (or similar methods) is made.
        deployFile - Deployment file
        StreamBaseException - Error loading deployment file
      • startContainers

        void startContainers​(Set<String> containersSuspendedOnStartup)
                      throws StreamBaseException
        Start all but the specified containers for this StreamBase Engine. If subscriptions have previously been declared using calls to subscribe(), will only subscribe to the declared subscriptions. Otherwise, if no stream subscriptions have yet been specified, subscribes to all streams. To avoid this behavior, and instead subscribe to no streams, call startContainers(containersSuspendedOnStartup, true)
        containersSuspendedOnStartup - The containers to leave suspended, if null all containers will be started
        StreamBaseException - Error starting containers
        See Also:
        startContainers(Set, boolean)
      • startContainers

        void startContainers​(Set<String> containersSuspendedOnStartup,
                             boolean deferSubscriptions)
                      throws StreamBaseException
        Start all but the specified containers for this StreamBase Engine
        containersSuspendedOnStartup - The containers to leave suspended, if null all containers will be started
        deferSubscriptions - when true, no output streams will be subscribed to
        StreamBaseException - Error starting containers
      • subscribe

        void subscribe​(String streamPath)
                throws StreamBaseException
        Subscribes to a stream. This method is used to pre-declare the streams you are interested in prior to calling startContainers().
        streamPath - the path to the stream. If this is not a full dotted path, assumes the stream has the given name and is in the default container.
        StreamBaseException - Error subscribing to stream
      • drain

        void drain()
            throws StreamBaseException
        Wait for processing to complete on all currently enqueued tuples.

        A call to this method blocks until any tuples that were already enqueued in the StreamBase Engine have run through to completion, to the best effort of the StreamBase Engine. Upon return, any tuples that have reached output streams will be available for dequeue from Dequeuer.dequeue(int).

        Note that for applications containing concurrent modules or operators, this method makes attempts to ensure it returns once all processing has completed, but does not guarantee this behavior.

        StreamBaseException - if an error occurs while draining; no guarantees are made about the state of pending tuples.
      • getURI

        StreamBaseURI getURI()
        return the URI of the StreamBase Engine
        URI of the StreamBase Engine
      • getTableAccessor

        TableAccessor getTableAccessor​(String tablePath)
                                throws StreamBaseException
        Return a TableAccessor suitable for manipulating this table. This may only work with embedded StreamBase Engines. Capture fields in the table will be flattened.
        tablePath - Path to the table.
        the TableAccessor
        NotImplementedException - if table accessors are not supported by this StreamBase Engine implementation.
        StreamBaseException - if there is no table at that path, or if the table is inaccessible for any other reason.
        SemanticValidationException - if the table is inaccessible because of a capture field naming conflict. In that case, call with CaptureTransformStrategy.NEST
      • getTableAccessor

        TableAccessor getTableAccessor​(String tablePath,
                                       CaptureTransformStrategy captureStrategy)
                                throws StreamBaseException
        Return a TableAccessor suitable for manipulating this table. This may only work with embedded StreamBase Engines.
        tablePath - Path to the table.
        captureStrategy - Strategy for handling any capture fields in the table, either FLATTEN or NEST.
        the TableAccessor
        NotImplementedException - if table accessors are not supported by this StreamBase Engine implementation.
        StreamBaseException - if there is no table at that path, or if the table is inaccessible for any other reason.
        SemanticValidationException - if the table is inaccessible because of a capture field naming conflict. In that case, call with CaptureTransformStrategy.NEST
      • setTimeService

        void setTimeService​(TimeService timeService)
        Set a TimeService for the StreamBase Server managed by this Manager. If this call succeeds the timeService object will be set as the current Server-wide time service so it will be shared by all the containers and modules in this StreamBase Engine

        Thread safety note: you can call this method from any thread but you should make sure that it is not called from more than one thread at the same time. Otherwise the result is unpredictable.

        timeService - a TimeService instance or null. If this is a valid TimeService instance it will be set as the current time service for the entire StreamBase Engine if this is null then StreamBase Engine will use the WallClockTimeService, which is the default TimeService implementation You should obtain a valid TimeService instance via TimeServiceFactory
        UnsupportedOperationException - if there was a problem setting the time service
      • getTimeService

        TimeService getTimeService()
                            throws StreamBaseException
        Return the current TimeService implementation used by the StreamBase Engine

        Thread safety note: you can call this method from any thread but you should make sure that it is not called from more than one thread at the same time and while this method is called no other thread calls setTimeService method. Otherwise the result is unpredictable.

        the current TimeService
        StreamBaseException - if there was a problem retrieving the current time service