
epadmin global parameters — Global parameters for all epadmin commands.


epadmin help globals


Global parameters are placed before command and target in any epadmin command, and are primarily used to define the node to connect to, and to specify authentication options required for some nodes.

Run epadmin help globals to return a list of all valid global parameters for the current epadmin command.


Most epadmin commands accept any global parameter, but certain parameters are required. That is, most commands require you to identify the node and/or cluster you want to address. You can provide this identity in two ways:


Specify ‑‑servicename=nodename.clustername to identify a node, or ‑‑servicename=clustername to apply the epadmin command to all nodes in that cluster. You can shorten this parameter down to ‑‑servicen=.

--adminport (with --hostname if needed)

To address a node on the same machine, determine the node's administration port, and use ‑‑adminport=nnnnn. This can be shortened to ‑‑ad=nnnnn or even ‑‑a=nnnnn.

If the node of interest is on a remote machine, add the --hostname parameter to identify the remote host. For the --hostname parameter to work, add a TrustedHosts configuration file to the src/main/configurations folder of the node's Studio project and restart the node (or for an already running node, upload and activate the new configuration). This configuration file must include DNS name or addresses for the remote hosts you expect to connect from.

That is, to run a node on host Able, but connect to that node from Baker, you must configure Baker's network name or IP address in the configuration file for the module that is to run on host Able. Then restart the node on Able or upload and activate the new configuration. See Trusted Hosts for a detailed look at the Trusted Hosts feature and a sample configuration file. See Default Security Configuration to understand how a TrustedHosts configuration works with the security system's defaults.


The table in this section describes each epadmin global parameter.

Name Description
adminport Administration port on target node. Required if servicename not specified. No default. Use this parameter with hostname if the target node is not running locally.
debug Enable low level debug tracing for the command. Valid values are true or false. The default value is false.
defaultsfile Path to a defaults file, as described in Defaults File for epadmin. The default is $HOME/.epadmin/defaults
delimiter Format epadmin output as a table with the first row containing column names, and all other rows containing the columnar data. The delimiter character is used to separate all columns in all rows. You can specify more than one character; use quotes to include the space character. The default output without this parameter is formatted plain text; there is no default character.
    ‑‑delimiter=" | "
discoveryport Port to use for service discovery; the default value is 54321. Be cautious about changing this value from the default. If you do, all epadmin commands thereafter must use this global parameter and the new port number to be able to connect to the same discovery service.
discoveryhosts A comma-separated list of simple host names, fully qualified DNS names, or IP addresses that specify which network interfaces to use for sending the discovery request. The default is the system's host name.
discoverytimeout The number of seconds to wait for a service discovery request to complete. Sub-second precision is supported, such as 1.25. The default is 1 second.
help Display help for the current command. Valid values are true or false. Default value is false.
hostname Target node's host name, if not localhost. This can be a simple host name, a fully qualified DNS name, or an IPv4 or IPv6 address. If a simple host name or fully qualified DNS name is specified, an IPv6 address is used if available. Default value is localhost. This hostname parameter is generally used with adminport.
ignoredefaultsfile Disable use of the defaults file. Valid values are true or false. Default value is false.
keystore Path to a PKCS#12 key store or path to a PEM-encoded file containing X509v3 certificates. The specified file must contain both the user's certificate and encrypted private key. This parameter is optional but connecting to a node that requires client authentication will fail if the keystore is not specified. The path specified must have an extension of either .p12 or .pem. No default.

See Clarifying keystore Parameters to distinguish this use of ‑‑keystore from others.

keystorepassword PKCS#12 key store password or a private key password for PEM key stores. If not specified, and keystore is specified, a prompt is displayed. It is strongly recommended that passwords never be specified on the command line. No default.

See Clarifying keystore Parameters to distinguish this use of ‑‑keystorepassword from others.

password User password to access target node. Cannot be specified when using trusted host authentication mechanism. TIBCO strongly recommends that passwords never be specified on the command line. See Default Security Configuration and epadmin-password(1) for details on specifying a password. No default.
schema Can only be used in conjunction with ‑‑delimiter. When set to true, enables the addition of a numeric schema row after the header row, where the numbers represent the data types for each column of delimited output. The meaning of the data type numbers are shown in Command Output Format. The default value is false.
servicename The service name of the target node. See Discovery Service for more on using service discovery. If servicename is specified, hostname and adminport are not required. No default.
serviceprefix Enables or disables service name prefixing of command output. Valid values are true or false. Default value is true.
token Specifies an authentication token, which is only used internally by a node's web services. There is no default value.
truststore Path to a PKCS#12 or PEM file containing the Certificate Authorities (CAs) that node certificates must be signed by to be trusted. The path specified must have an extension of either .p12 or .pem. No default.
truststorepassword PKCS#12 trust store password or a private key password for PEM trust stores. If not specified, and truststore is specified, the command displays a password prompt. However, it is strongly recommended that passwords never be specified on the command line. No default.
username User name to access the target node. Required if not using the trusted host authentication mechanism. Default value is the login name of the user executing epadmin. The default value requires that the host on which the command is executed is a trusted host to the target host on which the node is running.