Current StreamBase 10.6.3 Release Notes

These are the release notes for the TIBCO StreamBase® component of TIBCO® Streaming 10.6.3.

New Features

TIBCO® Streaming 10.6.3 adds the following updates and new features:

TIBCO® Streaming Now Supports Windows Server 2019

Windows Server 2019 is now a supported operating system for development and deployment.

TIBCO® Streaming Now Supports AlmaLinux OS 8

AlmaLinux is now a supported operating system for deployment, and is the recommended migration path for applications deployed on CentOS Linux 8.

TIBCO® Streaming Now Supports Debian Linux 11

Debian Linux is now a supported operating system for deployment.

TIBCO® Streaming Now Bundles Java

On all supported operating systems, the TIBCO Streaming installation kit provides the runtime components of Oracle JDK version in a subdirectory of the StreamBase installation directory, for private use to run StreamBase program fragments and applications from within StreamBase Studio. As before, StreamBase detects and prefers a system-installed JDK, and uses the bundled JDK as a fallback. See further details about the JDK requirements of this release in the JDK entry of the Supported Configurations page.

Changes in Functionality

This release includes no new changes in functionality.

Deprecated and Removed Features

The following features are deprecated as of StreamBase 10.6.3.

CentOS Linux 8 In Container and Machine Image Builds

Support for CentOS Linux 8 is still in effect for Streaming 10.6. However, as Red Hat has declared that CentOS Linux 8 has reached end of life, there will be no security updates. Container or machine builds that relied on CentOS package repositories, such as Docker or Ansible, will not work and must be migrated to other compatible Streaming-supported Linux distributions.

For Streaming, the options are Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Oracle Linux, and AlmaLinux. AlmaLinux is the recommended option for container builds like Docker; use the image name almalinux:8.

Migration and Compatibility

Not applicable.

StreamBase Known Limitations

This section describes known limitations as of the current release of the TIBCO StreamBase® component of TIBCO® Streaming. Each item includes a tracking number, description, and workarounds when possible.

Known limitations for using the EventFlow debugger are described separately, in the Limitations, Tips, and Tricks section of the Using the EventFlow Debugger page.

SB‑51163 Alibaba Fastjson Mitigation of Vulnerability CWE-502

Streaming 10.6 includes a version of Alibaba Fastjson with a vulnerability classified as CWE-502. In Streaming 10.6.2 and later, all Fastjson parser instances are put into a safe mode that mitigates the vulnerability. The safe mode turns off the Fastjson feature that is vulnerable to such attacks. However, the vulnerability will still be flagged in tools that report dependency vulnerabilities.

Workaround You can suppress the vulnerability in such tools as the OWASP Dependency Check Maven plugin.
SB‑49471 The epdev offline maven command shows benign errors.

Running the epdev offline maven command can show a number or Maven errors. However, the process does complete and work as expected. The display of these errors is expected to be corrected in an upcoming release.

Workaround None.
SB‑49208 Project names with underlines cause problems for application projects with Docker and Kubernetes or Helm support.

Studio-generated StreamBase Application projects that elect the Docker and Kubernetes options generate a Docker image without errors, but fail to deploy in Docker.

Workaround Start over with a new project name without underlines.

StreamBase Resolved Issues

This section provides a list of errors corrected in release 10.6.3 of the TIBCO StreamBase® component of TIBCO® Streaming.

Fixed in 10.6.3
Number Resolution
TIBCO StreamBase® 10.6.3 incorporates all fixes resolved in the release 10.0 series through 10.6.2 and all fixes resolved in the release 7.7 series through 7.7.8.
SB-50392 The JMS and or EMS connect adapter could introduce a deadlock to an application in certain configurations if a connect command tuple was sent to the connect adapter while some other adapter in the same container was trying to connect to the same configured JMS/EMS server.
SB-50260 SB-50261 If the XML to Tuple Operator receives invalid XML strings, no tuple was emitting on the status port.
SB-51443 If the JMS Consumer adapter received the new message within a small interval of the JMS Commit adapter in a transacted session, it could not emit additional messages.
SB-51159 Changes to role assignments would not take affect until the AMS server was restarted. This issue is now resolved, as cache invalidations happen every 2 minutes.
SB-50141 If encrypted values were added to any HOCON configuration file, user could no longer launch fragments, but can run applications only.
SB-51813 SB-51816 The source Distributed Router now receives the notification that the target node has become available and delivers the queued tuples for that node as well as reporting the change from the Status output port. No queued tuples are dropped.
SB-50028 An error occurred when using SOL_CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE as a value to the JMS/EMS adapters' acknowledge-mode configuration setting. The JMS/EMS adapter now supports the SOL_CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE acknowledge mode.
SB-51317 In the previous release, OPC UA adapter was not accepting Encrypted credentials.

There was an issue when trying to cleanly shut down a node containing a Kafka Consumer that was unable to connect to its specified Kafka server.

SB-51090 Users were not able to load decision table using ADS when running in K8s.
SB-51237 Users were not able to configure SB request/reply adapter operator with custom message converter dynamically.
SB-51478 Users earlier faced error on memory table due to refactoring.
SB-51892 Users saw some lag in the price captured by the CEP engine during Market open and market close for some tickers due to obsolete BLPAPI version.
SB-51672 The parameters pages in the documentation contained outdated SB7-style configuration settings.
SB-51446 The Database Change Data Capture tried to start CDC on SQL server Table in spite of the option being disabled.
SB-50667 Users were not able to reconnect to JBDC datasource and face some unexpected error. The issue had been addressed in this release and now the application tries to reconnect to the database after disconnect.
SB-51855 SB-51854 OSI Pi Event Frames earlier did not returned attribute value if frame was not closed. This issue is fixed in this release by delivering a new Engineering build of the OSI Pi adapter set. The fix also adds additional diagnostic details with DEBUG and TRACE logging enabled.
SB-49544 The add container command ignored the --modulesearchpaths and --resourcesearchpaths parameters specified by the user.
SB-51860 Add AllDescendants=false to your query string to prevent the OSI PI adapter from traversing child frames and emitting the children of Event Frames returned by the query.
SB-50971 If a module reference was running in a parallel region and an error occurred, the runtime transaction was not rolled back.
SB-51540 In a few cases, StreamBase Studio was launching the LiveView demo client on old port 10080 instead of the new default port 11080.
SB-49285 An Aggregate operator running in a parallel region did not close its window if the output tuple reached an Error Output Stream within that region.
SB-51607 The Database Change Data Capture (CDC) adapter was not using the JDBC Data Source HOCON configuration to enable pooling options. Because of this, CDC Adapter could not monitor multiple CDC-enabled tables efficiently.
SB-32314 Initialization of a Router Operator on one node could deadlock indefinitely at startup, if the target Router in another node was configured to not start automatically, otherwise prevented from initializing.