- abs function, Simple Functions: Math
- acos function, abs()
- addbson function, Simple Functions: BSON
- advamceTimeTo function, advanceTimeBy
- advanceTimeBy function, Simple Functions: System
- aggregate context, defined, Aggregate Functions Overview
- aggregate functions, Aggregate Functions Overview
- aggregate functions, using calljava, Aggregate Functions: External Functions
- aggregatelist function, Aggregate Functions: Aggregate to List
- aggregatelistnonnull function, aggregate, aggregatelist()
- alpha function, Aggregate Functions: Statistical Calculations
- andall function, acos(), avgif()
- API documentation, StreamBase API Documentation
- append function, Simple Functions: Lists
- appgen.allow-all-function-input, StreamBase Java Properties
- appgen.error-schema-version, StreamBase Java Properties
- appgen.tupleid, StreamBase Java Properties
- arithmetic operators, in expressions, Qualifying Field Names
- asin function, andall()
- atan function, asin()
- atan2 function, atan()
- avg function, alpha()
- avg function, simple version, append()
- avg_list function, aggregate, aggregatelistnonnull()
- avg_list function, simple version, avg()
- avgif function, avg()
- beta function, andall()
- between-and operator in expressions, Modulus Operator
- bitand function, atan2()
- bitnot function, bitand()
- bitor function, bitnot()
- bitxor function, bitor()
- Black Scholes Generalized, function, Simple Functions: Financial
- black_scholes, function, Simple Functions: Financial
- blob function, Simple Functions: Type Conversions
- blob, data type, StreamBase Data Types
- blob, in expressions, Specifying Literals in Expressions
- bool function, blob()
- bool, data type, blob Data Type
- bool, in expressions, Specifying Literals in Expressions
- bsontojson function, addbson()
- C++ API documentation, StreamBase API Documentation
- calljava function, aggregate, Aggregate Functions: External Functions
- calljava function, simple, Simple Functions: External Functions
- capture, data type, bool Data Type
- case sensitivity, in expressions, Data Type Coercion and Conversion
- casting, in expressions, Data Types
- catchexception function, Simple Functions: Errors
- cbrt function, bitxor()
- ceil function, cbrt()
- certificates, for sbd, Authentication Parameters
- check-app-environment-variables-changed, StreamBase Java Properties
- choose function, ceil()
- client library documentation, StreamBase API Documentation
- client.log-connection-status, StreamBase Java Properties
- client.max-tuples-in-queue, StreamBase Java Properties
- closeval function, Aggregate Functions: Windowing
- coalesce function, Simple Functions: Utilities
- coalesce_tuples function, coalesce()
- codegen.compileinprocess, StreamBase Java Properties
- codegen.digest-type-names, StreamBase Java Properties
- codegen.error-for-null-as-primitive, StreamBase Java Properties
- codegen.generate-bytecodes, StreamBase Java Properties
- codegen.intermediate-stream-dequeue-regex, StreamBase Java Properties
- codegen.jarinprocess, StreamBase Java Properties
- codegen.trace-tuples, StreamBase Java Properties
- coercion, in functions, Casting
- command line tools, Command Reference
- command reference, Command Reference
- command-line client, lv-client
- comments, in expressions, White Space
- compile function, coalesce_tuples()
- compound expressions, Conditional Expressions
- compound_interest function, black_scholes()
- concat function, aggregate, avg_list(), sum_list()
- concat function, simple version, avg_list()
- concatenation, in expressions, Compound Conditional Expressions
- conditional expressions, Null Literals
- constant intervals, String Repetition
- contains function and in operator, Between-And Operator
- contains function, for lists, concat()
- contains function,for strings, Simple Functions: Strings
- conversion, in functions, Casting
- conversion, of data types in expressions, Data Types
- correlation_coefficient function, Simple Functions: Statistical Calculations, beta()
- correlation_coefficientp function, correlation_coefficient()
- cos function, choose()
- cosh function, cos()
- count function, correlation_coefficientp()
- count_distinct function, count(), countlong()
- count_distinct_elements function, contains()
- count_list function, aggregate, concat()
- count_list function, simple version, count_distinct_elements()
- countif function, count_distinct()
- countlong function, correlation_coefficientp()
- covariance function, countif()
- covariancep function, covariance()
- custom functions, define in expression language, Function Assistance in StreamBase Studio
- custom functions, define in Java, Custom Functions in the Expression Language
- data type, blob, StreamBase Data Types
- data type, bool, blob Data Type
- data type, capture, bool Data Type
- data type, double, capture Data Type
- data type, function, double Data Type, Function Assistance in StreamBase Studio
- data type, int, function Data Type
- data type, list, int Data Type
- data type, long, Viewing and Specifying List Data in CSV Format
- data type, named schema, long Data Type
- data type, string, Named Schema Data Type
- data type, timestamp, string Data Type
- data type, tuple, Specifying Time Zones
- data types, StreamBase Data Types
- data types, in expressions, Using Quotes in Expressions
- date function, Timestamp Functions: Absolute Timestamps
- days function, Timestamp Functions: Interval Timestamps
- DotNET API documentation, StreamBase API Documentation
- dotproduct function, simple version, count_list()
- double function, bool()
- double, data type, capture Data Type
- double, in expressions, Specifying Literals in Expressions
- Doxygen, StreamBase API Documentation
- emptylist function, dotproduct()
- endswith function, contains()
- environment variables, StreamBase Environment Variables
- epoch function, date()
- error function, catchexception()
- escaped identifiers, Identifier Naming Rules
- eval function, compile()
- Evaluate StreamBase Expression, Simple and Aggregate Functions
- exotic identifiers, Identifier Naming Rules
- exp function, cosh()
- exp_moving_avg function, covariancep()
- expm1 function, exp()
- Expression Evaluator, Simple and Aggregate Functions
- expression language, StreamBase Expression Language Functions
- expression language, aggregate functions, Aggregate Functions Overview
- expression language, and timestamps, String Repetition
- expression language, custom functions, Function Assistance in StreamBase Studio
- expression language, features of, StreamBase Expression Language Features
- expression language, type conversion functions, Simple Functions: Type Conversions
- expression, parameters in, Timestamp Expressions
- expressions language, string functions, spearmans_rank()
- expressions, arithmetic operators, Qualifying Field Names
- expressions, between-and, Modulus Operator
- expressions, case sensitivity, Data Type Coercion and Conversion
- expressions, casting, Data Types
- expressions, comments in, White Space
- expressions, compound, Conditional Expressions
- expressions, concatenation, Compound Conditional Expressions
- expressions, conditional, Null Literals
- expressions, data type coercion, Casting
- expressions, data types, Using Quotes in Expressions
- expressions, identifiers, Case Sensitivity
- expressions, logical operators, Relational Operators
- expressions, modulus, Arithmetic Operators
- expressions, NaN functions, xorall()
- expressions, null literals, Specifying Literals in Expressions
- expressions, precedence order, Wildcards in EventFlow Expressions
- expressions, qualifying field names, Reserved Words
- expressions, quotes, Custom Functions in Java
- expressions, relational operators, Unary Operators
- expressions, reserved words, Escaped Identifier Syntax
- expressions, simple vs aggregate functions, StreamBase Expression Language Features
- expressions, string repetition, Concatenation in Expressions
- expressions, unary operators, IN Operator
- expressions, white space in, Operator Precedence
- expressions, wildcards, Logical Operators
- factorial function, expm1()
- field names, qualifying, Reserved Words
- filterlist function, emptylist()
- filternull function, filterlist()
- findbson function, bsontojson()
- firstelement function, filternull()
- firstn function, closeval()
- firstnonnullval function, firstn()
- firstval function, firstnonnullval()
- floor function, factorial()
- foldleft function, firstelement()
- foldright function, foldleft()
- format function, endswith()
- format_time function, epoch()
- from_gmtime function, format_time()
- from_localtime function, from_gmtime()
- from_unixtime function, from_localtime()
- frombson function, findbson()
- fromCodePoint function, eval()
- function assistance, in Studio, Simple and Aggregate Functions
- function, data type, double Data Type
- functions, aggregate, Aggregate Functions Overview
- functions, define in expression language, Function Assistance in StreamBase Studio
- functions, define in Java, Custom Functions in the Expression Language
- functions, simple vs aggregate, StreamBase Expression Language Features
- gaussianrandom function, floor()
- get_conf_param function, getCompilerProperty()
- get_datatype_conf_param function, getCompilerProperty()
- get_day_of_month function, get_day_of_week()
- get_day_of_week function, get_hour()
- get_day_of_year function, get_day_of_month()
- get_hour function, get_minute()
- get_millisecond function, Timestamp Functions: Timestamp Fields
- get_minute function, get_second()
- get_month function, get_day_of_year()
- get_quarter function, get_month()
- get_second function, get_millisecond()
- get_year function, get_quarter()
- getAllHostIPs function, Simple Functions: Runtime
- getClientIP function, getAllHostIPs()
- getCompilerProperty function, getClientIP()
- getContainer function, get_conf_param()
- getHostName function, getContainer()
- getNodeName function, getHostName()
- getOldestWindowID function, firstval()
- getParallelRoot function, getNodeName()
- getPath function, getParallelRoot()
- getResourceAbsolutePath function, getPath()
- getServerURI function, getResourceAbsolutePath()
- getSetCompilerProperty function, getServerURI()
- getTableSize function, getSetCompilerProperty()
- getTargetTime function, advanceTimeTo
- getWindowID function, getOldestWindowID()
- goodman_kruskal_gamma function, correlation_coefficient()
- goodman_kruskal_gamma function, aggregate version, exp_moving_avg()
- ide.component-exchange-force-auth, StreamBase Java Properties
- ide.debugger.remote-call-timeout-ms, StreamBase Java Properties
- identifiers, escaped, Identifier Naming Rules
- identifiers, exotic, Identifier Naming Rules
- identifiers, naming rules, Case Sensitivity
- in, infix operator, Between-And Operator
- indexof function, for strings, format()
- inet_aton function, Simple Functions: Internet
- inet_ntoa function, inet_aton()
- insertelement function, has_intersection(), indexof()
- int function, double()
- int, data type, function Data Type
- int, in expressions, Specifying Literals in Expressions
- intercept function, goodman_kruskal_gamma()
- intersect function, insertelement()
- interval function, hours()
- intervals, with timestamps, String Repetition
- isempty function, indexof()
- isinterval function, interval()
- isnan function, Simple Functions: NaN
- isnull function, hash()
- isOldestWindow function, getWindowID()
- Java API documentation, StreamBase API Documentation
- Java custom functions, Custom Functions in the Expression Language
- Java properties, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property
- sbd.max-tuples-in-dequeue-packet, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, appgen.allow-all-function-input, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, appgen.error-schema-version, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, appgen.tupleid, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, check-app-environment-variables-changed, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, client.log-connection-status, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, client.max-tuples-in-queue, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, codegen.codegen.javac-Xmx, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, codegen.compileinprocess, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, codegen.digest-type-names, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, codegen.error-for-null-as-primitive, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, codegen.generate-bytecodes, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, codegen.intermediate-stream-dequeue-regex, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, codegen.jarinprocess, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, codegen.trace-tuples, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, ide.component-exchange-force-auth, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, ide.debugger.remote-call-timeout-ms, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, jdbc.max-repeat-exceptions, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, log-adapter-async, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, log-level, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, low-latency, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, max-queue-size, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, max-stat-tuples-cache, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, operator.parameters.log-level, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, queue-flush-interval, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, read-buf-size, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, reconnect-sleep, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, runtime.send-zero-stats, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, sbd-shrink-after-process, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, sbd.max-input-packet-size, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, streambase.decouple.operator.log-level, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, streambase.feedsim.plugin-classpathl, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, streambase.java-operator.stacktrace-on-warn, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, streambase.write-buf-size, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, tcp-nodelay, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, tuple-connection-quiescent-limit, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, tuple-connection-timeout, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, uri, StreamBase Java Properties
- Java property, xmlrpc-timeout, StreamBase Java Properties
- Javadoc, StreamBase API Documentation
- jdbc.max-repeat-exceptions, StreamBase Java Properties
- join function, intersect()
- join function, aggregate, count_list()
- joinbson function, frombson()
- joinlist function, intersect()
- joinlist function, aggregate, count_list()
- jsbadmin command, jsbadmin
- jsbc command, jsbc
- jsontobson function, joinbson()
- lag function, isOldestWindow()
- lastelement function, join(), joinlist()
- lastindexof function, lastelement()
- lastindexof function, for strings, isempty()
- lastn function, lag()
- lastnonnullval function, lastn()
- lastval function, lastnonnullval()
- lenbson function, jsontobson()
- length function, lastindexof(), isnull()
- length function, for strings, lastindexof()
- list function, length(), int()
- list, data type, int Data Type
- list, in expressions, Specifying Literals in Expressions
- listbson function, lenbson()
- literals, in expressions, Comments
- ln function, gaussianrandom()
- log-adapter-async, StreamBase Java Properties
- log-level, StreamBase Java Properties
- log10 function, ln()
- log1p function, log10()
- logical operators, in expressions, Relational Operators
- long function, list()
- long, data type, Viewing and Specifying List Data in CSV Format
- long, in expressions, Specifying Literals in Expressions
- low-latency, StreamBase Java Properties
- lower function, length()
- lshift function, log1p()
- ltrim function, lower()
- lv-client, LiveView command-line client, lv-client
- lv-server command, lv-server
- lv-util command, lv-util
- maplist function, list()
- maplist_loose function, maplist()
- max function, aggregate version, kendall_tau()
- max function, simple version, lshift()
- max-queue-size, StreamBase Java Properties
- max-stat-tuples-cache, StreamBase Java Properties
- maxdouble function, max()
- maxelement function, maplist_loose()
- maxint function, maxdouble()
- maxlong function, maxint()
- maxn function, max()
- md5 function, length()
- median function, aggregate version, maxn()
- median function, simple version, maxelement()
- mergelist function, median()
- milliseconds function, isinterval()
- min function, aggregate version, median()
- min function, simple version, maxlong()
- mindouble function, min()
- minelement function, mergelist()
- minint function, mindouble()
- minlong function, minint()
- minn function, min()
- minutes function, milliseconds()
- modulus in expressions, Arithmetic Operators
- namebson function, listbson()
- named schema constructor function, long()
- named schema, data type, long Data Type
- naming rules, Case Sensitivity
- nan function, isnan()
- nanotime function, getTargetTime
- new_tuple function, md5()
- new_tuple_subset function, new_tuple()
- new_tuple_subset_loose function, new_tuple_subset()
- notnan function, nan()
- notnull function, new_tuple_subset_loose()
- now function, from_unixtime()
- nullif function, notnull()
- nulllist function, minelement()
- nulls, and logical operators, Specifying Literals in Expressions
- parameters, in expressions, Timestamp Expressions
- parse_time function, now()
- parsecsv function, nullif()
- parsejson function, parsecsv()
- parsejson_loose function, parsejson()
- pattern operator, Syntax
- pattern query, syntax, StreamBase Pattern Matching Language
- pearson function, kendall_tau()
- pearson function, aggregate, orall()
- percentile function, aggregate version, pearson()
- permute function, orall()
- pow function, permute()
- precedence order in expressions, Wildcards in EventFlow Expressions
- prepend function, nulllist()
- product function, prepend()
- product function, aggregate version, percentile()
- profiling, sbprofile
- properties, Java, StreamBase Java Properties
- properties, system, StreamBase Java Properties
- putbson function, namebson()
- Python API documentation, StreamBase API Documentation
- random function, pow()
- random_tuple function, parsejson_loose()
- randomstring function, ltrim()
- range function, product()
- rank function, aggregate, join(), joinlist()
- read-buf-size, StreamBase Java Properties
- reconnect-sleep, StreamBase Java Properties
- regexmatch function, randomstring()
- regexmatch_ignorecase function, regexmatch()
- regexreplace function, regexmatch_ignorecase()
- regexsplit function, range(), regexreplace()
- regextuple function, regexsplit()
- relational operators, in expressions, Unary Operators
- removebson function, putbson()
- replace function, regextuple()
- replaceelement function, removeelement()
- reserved words, field names, Escaped Identifier Syntax
- reverse function, replaceelement()
- round function, random()
- rshift function, round()
- rtirm function, replace()
- runtime.send-zero-stats, StreamBase Java Properties
- sb-config command, sb-config
- sbadmin command, sbadmin
- sbc command, sbc
- sbcipher command, sbcipher
- sbd command, sbd
- sbd-shrink-after-process, StreamBase Java Properties
- sbd.max-input-packet-size, StreamBase Java Properties
- sbd.max-tuples-in-dequeue-packet
- Java property, StreamBase Java Properties
- sbfeedsim command, sbfeedsim
- sbmanager command, sbmanager
- sbprofile command, sbprofile
- sbrecord command, sbrecord
- sbs: protocol, Authentication Parameters
- sbstudio command, sbstudio
- sburi command, sburi
- seconds function, minutes()
- securerandom function, rshift()
- set_day_of_month function, set_day_of_week()
- set_day_of_week function, set_hour()
- set_hour function, set_minute()
- set_minute function, set_second()
- set_month function, set_day_of_month()
- set_second function, get_year()
- set_year function, set_month()
- sign function, securerandom()
- simple vs aggregate functions, StreamBase Expression Language Features
- sin function, sign()
- sinh function, sin()
- sleep function, nanotime()
- slope function, product()
- snapshot interval, sbprofile
- sort function, shuffle()
- sort shuffle, reverse()
- spearmans_rank function, pearson()
- spearmans_rank function, aggregate version, slope()
- split function, sort(), rtrim()
- splitbson function, removebson()
- sqrt function, sinh()
- ssl authentication, Authentication Parameters
- startswith function, split()
- stdev function, aggregate version, spearmans_rank()
- stdevp function, stdev()
- stdevp function, aggregate version, stdev()
- streambase.* properties, StreamBase Java Properties
- streambase.decouple.operator.log-level, StreamBase Java Properties
- streambase.feedsim.plugin-classpathl, StreamBase Java Properties
- streambase.java-operator.stacktrace-on-warn, StreamBase Java Properties
- streambase.uri, StreamBase Java Properties
- strftime function, parse_time()
- string function, startswith(), Named Schema Constructor Function
- string multiplication, in expressions, Concatenation in Expressions
- string repetition, in expressions, Concatenation in Expressions
- string, data type, Named Schema Data Type
- string, in expressions, Specifying Literals in Expressions
- stringbson function, splitbson()
- strlen function, string()
- strpinterval function, seconds()
- strptime function, strftime()
- strresize function, strlen()
- strresizetrunc function, strresize()
- Studio function assistance, Simple and Aggregate Functions
- sublist function, stdevp()
- substr function, strresizetrunc()
- sum function, sublist()
- sum function, aggregate version, stdevp()
- sum_list function, aggregate, rank()
- sum_list function, simple version, sum()
- sumif function, sum()
- system properties, StreamBase Java Properties
- systemenv function, sleep()
- systemproperty function, systemenv()
- tan function, sqrt()
- tanh function, tan()
- tcp-nodelay, StreamBase Java Properties
- template, pattern query, Syntax
- throw function, error()
- time function, strpinterval()
- timestamp function, string()
- timestamp, data type, string Data Type
- timestamp, in expressions, Specifying Literals in Expressions
- timestamps, in expressions, String Repetition
- timezoneoffset function, time()
- TMP environment variable, TMP
- to_degrees function, tanh()
- to_milliseconds function, set_year()
- to_radians function, to_degrees()
- to_seconds function, to_milliseconds()
- tobson function, stringbson()
- toCodePoint function, random_tuple()
- tocodepoint function, toCodePoint()
- tocsv function, toCSV()
- today function, strptime()
- today_utc function, today()
- trim function, substr()
- tuple function, timestamp()
- tuple, data type, Specifying Time Zones
- tuple, in expressions, Specifying Literals in Expressions
- tuple-connection-quiescent-limit, StreamBase Java Properties
- tuple-connection-timeout, StreamBase Java Properties
- tuplebson function, tobson()
- two-way ssl, Authentication Parameters
- type conversion, in expressions, Data Types
- unary operators, in expressions, IN Operator
- unique function, simple version, sum_list()
- unsignedrshift function, to_radians()
- unzip function, unique()
- upper function, trim()
- uri, StreamBase Java Properties
- utility expressions, Simple Functions: Utilities
- uuid function, tojson()