EventFlow Authoring Guide

The topics in the Authoring Guide explain how to use the SB Test/Debug perspective in TIBCO StreamBase Studio™ to design and configure StreamBase EventFlow modules.


StreamBase Projects and Files
Maven Projects in StreamBase Studio
What Goes Where in Project Folders
Creating a New StreamBase Project
Creating a New EventFlow Module
Creating a New EventFlow Interface
Module Search Path
Resource Search Path
Using External JAR Files
StreamBase File Properties
External File Restrictions
StreamBase Authoring Fundamentals
StreamBase Path Notation
EventFlow Layout Options
Using the Expression Evaluator
Using the Tasks View
StreamBase Project Properties
Project Builder
Project References
Java Build Path
Importing and Exporting
Copy-Paste of EventFlow Components
Importing into Studio
Exporting from Studio
Importing Resources from One Module to Another
Minimizing Module Imports
EventFlow Canvas Features
Using Arcs
Using Notes
Using Groups
Using Streams
Defining Input Streams
Defining Output Streams
Using Error Ports and Error Streams
Error Input Stream
Error Output Stream
Using Schemas
Schema Overview
Using Named Schemas
Using Table Schemas
Copying Schemas
Using Empty Schemas
Using Parent Schemas
Difference Comparisons
Comparing EventFlow Modules
Comparing Selected Components
Comparing Schemas
Using Modules
Module Introduction
Extracting a Module
Referencing a Module
Using the Module Reference Component
Hygienic and Non-Hygienic Modules
Using Interfaces
StreamBase Interfaces
Using Interfaces with Extension Points
Using StreamBase Operators
Operator Overview
Using Java Operators
Using the Aggregate Operator
Aggregate Operator: Field-Based Dimension Options
Aggregate Operator: Tuple-Based Dimension Options
Aggregate Operator: Time-Based Dimension Options
Aggregate Operator: Predicate-Based Dimension Options
Using the BSort Operator
Using the Decision Table Operator
Using the Distributed Router Operator
Using the Extension Point Operator
Using the Filter Operator
Using the Gather Operator
Using the Heartbeat Operator
Using the Iterate Operator
Using the Join Operator
Using the Map Operator
Using the Merge Operator
Using the Metronome Operator
Using the Pattern Operator
Using the Query Operator
Using the Query Operator with JDBC Tables
Using the Sequence Operator
Using the Split Operator
Using the Union Operator
Using Global Java Operators
Global Java Operator Overview
Using the Apache Cassandra Operators
Using the Apache Kudu Operators
Using the Avro to Tuple Operator
Using the Cluster State Filter Operator
Using the External Process Operator
Using the Field Serializer Operator
Using the FTP Operator
Using the H2O Model Evaluator Operator
Using the JPMML Model Evaluator Operator
Using the HBase Admin Operator
Using the HBase Delete Operator
Using the HBase Get Operator
Using the HBase Put Operator
Using the HBase Scan Operator
Using the JMS and TIBCO EMS Operators
Using the JSON to Tuple Operator
Using the Microsoft .NET Operator
Using the Python Operator
Using the Python Instance Operator
Using the Runtime Schema Cast Operator
Using the TERR Operator
Using the TERR Predict Operator
Using the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Operator
Using the TIBCO ActiveSpaces Operators
Using the TIBCO ActiveSpaces 2 Operators
Using the TIBCO StreamBase Admin Operator
Using the Tuple to Avro Operator
Using the Tuple to JSON Operator
Using the Tuple to XML Operator
Using the WITSML Operators
Using the XML to Tuple Operator
Using the Field Gather Operator
Using the Matrix Operator
Using the Data Point To Schema Operator
Using Dynamic Learning Operators
Using the ANOVA Operator
Using the Chi-Square Test Operator
Using the Classification Trees Operator
Using the Correlations Operator
Using the Descriptive Statistics Operator
Using the Frequency Tables Operator
Using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Operator
Using the Linear Regression Operator
Using the Logistic Regression Operator
Using the Multilayer Perceptron Classification Operator
Using the Multilayer Perceptron Regression Operator
Using the Paired T-Test Operator
Using the Regression Trees Operator
Using the Single Sample T-Test Operator
Using the SVM Classification Operator
Using the SVM Regression Operator
Using the Two Sample T-Test Operator
Using the T-Test By Groups Operator
Using Data Constructs
Using the Query Table Data Construct
Using the JDBC Table Data Construct
Using Query Tables
Using the Query Table Data Construct
Persistence of Query Tables
Using Delta Streams for Query Tables
Reloading Disk-Based Query Table Data
Using JDBC Data Sources
JDBC Data Source Overview
How the Query Operator Works with JDBC Tables
Using Stored Procedures
Using Decision Tables
Decision Table Introduction
Decision Table Tools
Decision Table Editor
Decision Table Analyzer
Decision Table Performance Considerations
Using Embedded Adapters
Embedded Adapter Introduction
Setting Input Adapter Properties
Setting Output Adapter Properties
Constants, Variables, and Parameters
Using Constants
Using Dynamic Variables
Parameter Overview
Using Module Parameters
Using Global Parameters
String Values in Parameters
Miscellaneous Topics
Unicode Support
Text Search in Studio
EventFlow Search in Studio
Using Nulls
Using the Function Data Type
Capture Fields