LiveView Samples Guide

Most LiveView sample documentation takes the form of plain text README files installed with the sample itself. The folder locations in the following table are found in the liveview/sample folder of your TIBCO Streaming installation.

LiveView Sample Sample Folder Description
ActiveSpaces and LiveView lv_sample_activespaces LiveView connecting to a TIBCO ActiveSpaces Metaspace.
Alert Rules lv_sample_alerting_advanced Shows advanced alerting features with preconfigured alert rules.
Authentication lv_sample_auth Shows how to use LiveView authentication.
Author-time Aggregation lv_sample_author_time_agg Shows ways to use the author-time aggregation feature.
Data Transform lv_sample_transform Shows how to configure a StreamBase module for transforming data in a LiveView table.
DotNET Client lv_sample_dotnet Shows ways to use the LiveView .NET Client API. (Support for the .NET API is only delivered on Windows platforms.)
Field Rules lv_sample_field_rules Using field rules to preprocess tuples prior to publishing.
HA Tables lv_sample_ha_tables Fault-tolerant front end configuration.
Hello LiveView lv_sample_helloliveview Shows a simple Hello World application with a self-running input stream.
Java Client lv_sample_java_clientapi Using the LiveView Java Client API.
JavaScript API lv_sample_javascript Creating web applications with the LiveView JavaScript API.
JDBC Table lv_sample_jdbc_table Using LiveView with a JDBC table.
LiveView Adapters Shows the use of the TIBCO StreamBase adapters that interact with LiveView applications using the LiveView Client API.
LiveView REST API lv_sample_rest_python Shows how to use the LiveView REST API with Python.
Minimum Configuration lv_sample_minimal Shows the minimum configuration required to start the LiveView server.
Preprocessor lv_sample_preprocessor Configuring a StreamBase module as a preprocessor for LiveView tables.
Publisher lv_sample_publisher Shows an embedded publisher application.
Query Table lv_sample_sbd_table Using LiveView with a StreamBase Query Table table back end.
Recovery, EMS lv_sample_ems_recovery Fault-tolerant recovery using the TIBCO EMS bus.
Recovery, FTL lv_sample_ftl_recovery Fault-tolerant recovery using the TIBCO FTL bus.
Recovery, delayed peer-based for eFTL lv_sample_eftl_delayed_recovery Delayed LiveView peer-based recovery for TIBCO Cloud Messaging with the eFTL message bus.
Recovery, eFTL sample_lv_eftl_recovery Shows elastic scaling based on peer based recovery with improved delayed recovery operator.
Recovery, Kafka lv_sample_kafka_recovery Fault-tolerant recovery using the Apache Kafka bus.
Recovery, MQTT lv_sample_mqtt_recovery Fault-tolerant recovery using the MQTT bus.
Recovery, delayed peer-based for MQTT sample_lv_mqtt_delayed_recovery Shows the LiveView delayed peer-based recovery capability when using the MQTT message bus.
Services Only lv_sample_services_only Shows a LiveView server without a data layer back end, that nevertheless connects to other LiveView server back ends.
TIBCO LiveView Web Sample lv_sample_lvweb Shows an enhanced Hello LiveView sample configured with LiveView Web to display data in a browser.
TIBCO LiveView Web Theme Plugin Sample lv_sample_lvweb_themes Shows the use of JavaScript to customize LiveView Web themes.