
epadmin logging target — Manages Logback logging for running engines.


epadmin [globalparameters] command logging [commandparameters]


Use the logging target to display and manage the Logback logging settings for an active engine. Logging for Spotfire Streaming is discussing in Using StreamBase Logging.

The logging target has five commands:

The designation [sn|ad] in syntax examples is a reminder that this command requires either the global parameter ‑‑servicename or the ‑‑adminport and ‑‑hostname combination to identify the node or cluster of interest.

epadmin display logging

Displays current logging settings for an entire node, an engine, or for the logger for one class.

epadmin [sn|ad] display logging
epadmin [sn|ad] display logging --enginename=JVMengine1
epadmin [sn|ad] display logging --loggername=com.example.myclass
epadmin [sn|ad] display logging --enginename=JVMengine1 --loggername=com.example.myclass

Example output:

[B.sbuser] Engine Name = JVMEngineB
[B.sbuser] Logger Name = ROOT
[B.sbuser] Log Level = INFO

[B.sbuser] Engine Name = JVMEngineB
[B.sbuser] Logger Name = com.tibco.ep.dtm.audit
[B.sbuser] Log Level = INFO

[B.sbuser] Engine Name = JVMEngineB
[B.sbuser] Logger Name = com.tibco.ep.dtm.deadlock
[B.sbuser] Log Level = WARN
Command Parameter Description Required
enginename Engine name. No. Default display loggers on all engines.
loggername Logger class name. No. Default display all loggers.

epadmin export logging

Exports default product logging configuration.

epadmin [sn|ad] export logging --file=defualt.xml

Exports any logging configuration changes to a file. This command only exports configuration if the default product logging configuration was changed.

epadmin [sn|ad] export logging --enginename=JVMengine1 --file=logging.xml
Command Parameter Description Required
enginename Engine name. No. Default export loggers on all engines.
file Client-side output file path. Yes.

epadmin reset logging

Resets logging levels to initial values. This command resets any values changed by the set command.

epadmin [sn|ad] reset logging
epadmin [sn|ad] reset logging --enginename=JVMengine1
epadmin [sn|ad] reset logging --loggername=com.example.myclass
epadmin [sn|ad] reset logging --enginename=JVMengine1 --loggername=com.example.myclass
Command Parameter Description Required
enginename Engine name. No. Default reset loggers on all engines.
loggername Logger class name. No. Default reset all loggers.

epadmin set logging

Changes current logging levels. Specify either a single logger name to change or specify a Logback configuration file to upload, using either XML or Groovy format.

Groovy format is accepted by Spotfire Streaming, but is not part of its default configuration. Add the following dependency to your project's pom.xml to add Groovy log format support:



Changes specified with set logging are not persistent—they are reset to default levels on engine or node restart.

epadmin [sn|ad] set logging --configuration=my-logging-config.xml
epadmin [sn|ad] set logging --enginename=JVMengine1 --configuration=my-logging-config.groovy \
epadmin [sn|ad] set logging --loggername=com.example.myclass --level=TRACE
epadmin [sn|ad] set logging --enginename=JVMengine1 --loggername=com.example.myclass --level=TRACE
Command Parameter Description Required
configuration Specifies the local path to a new LogBack logging configuration. Cannot be specified with the loggername parameter. No. No default.
enginename Engine name. No. By default, sets configuration on all engines.
format Logging configuration file format. An enumeration with valid values of xml and groovy. Can only be specified with the configuration parameter. No. The default value is xml.
level New logging level. An enumeration with valid values of ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, and TRACE. Cannot be specified with the configuration parameter. Required if loggername specified. No default.
loggername Logger name. Cannot be specified with the configuration parameter. No. The default is to set configuration, such as a log level, for all loggers.

epadmin tail logging

Reads all new messages in an engine's log stream. This command blocks until it is interrupted, or count messages are read. This command can be executed against engines that are not in the started state. When the engine is started, any new log messages are displayed.

epadmin [sn|ad] tail logging
epadmin [sn|ad] tail logging --enginename=JVMengine1
epadmin [sn|ad] tail logging --enginename=JVMengine1 --count=100
epadmin [sn|ad] tail logging --count=100
Command Parameter Description Required
count Total number of log messages to read. The command terminates after this number of log messages is read. If not provided, the command continues to read until interrupted. No. No default value.
enginename Engine name. No. Default tail log streams on all engines.