Accelerators and Frameworks

An Accelerator is an engineered fast-start to show TIBCO customers how to properly design and implement a solution for a particular market. The goal of TIBCO Accelerators is community-driven innovation.

A Framework is a package of TIBCO-provided TIBCO StreamBase EventFlow™ modules that simplifies the creation and deployment of StreamBase-based solutions.

This Guide provides one Framework and one Accelerator that have features in common:

  • The Trading Components Framework simplifies the creation of foreign exchange trading applications by providing a set of EventFlow modules and schemas that include market data handlers and execution handlers for more than a dozen FX venues.

  • The FX Dealing Accelerator takes a subset of the Trading Components Framework that provides semi-live FX trade data, and adds TIBCO® Live Datamart table definitions and a sample JavaScript user interface to be used as a starting point for your customization as a working Live Datamart FX Dealing application.