Mapping Array Child Elements to Non-Array Elements or to an Element in a Non-Matching Array

There may be situations when you want to map an element within an array of objects to an output element that is not in an array or belongs to an non-matching array in the Upstream Output. In such a situation, you must create an array with a single element. You do this by using the array.forEach() function without any arguments. When you use array.forEach() function without arguments, it creates an array with a single object element. The single object element treats everything in the Upstream Output as the children of the newly created array object element. This allows you to map to any of the Upstream Output elements as they are now treated as if they were within an array.

Important: When using array.forEach() without arguments, be sure to map the child elements individually too in addition to setting the array root to array.forEach() without arguments. If you do not map the child elements individually, no child elements get mapped. Only elements that you have specifically mapped acquire the mapped values.
Note: Keep in mind that in this scenario, the resulting length of the array is always one element.

Mapping an array child element to a non-array element is a two step process:


  1. Click the input array root (objArray in the example below) and either manually enter array.forEach() without arguments or select the function from the array category under Functions and delete the place holder arguments.

    This creates an array of objects with a single element in it. The element contains everything under Upstream Output, hence allowing you to map to any element in the Upstream Output. The element you are mapping to can be a non-array element or reside within a nested array.

  2. Map each element in the input array individually to any element of the same data type under Upstream Output.

    In case you are mapping to an element inside an array, you must provide the index of the array. If you are mapping to an element in a nested array, you must provide the index for both the parent and the nested array as shown above.